Guest Posts, Suffering, Uncategorized

Grief: One Author’s Lessons From the Book of Job

Guest Post by Anne Morelli

I haven’t yet had the privilege of meeting Anne Morelli in person, but we’ve connected in a number of places online. And every one of her posts is encouraging and authentic. She has a way of sharing quiet, heartfelt wisdom. She recently released an intriguing book about grief called, When Grief Descends: Suffering, Consolation, and The Book of Job (see details below). I invited her to share a little bit about her book and her thoughts here. Will you please help me welcome Anne to this little corner of the internet?


In an incredibly short period, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused us to face a breadth and depth of change that has thrown us off-kilter. The losses that are associated with every change have forced us to walk on unfamiliar paths, through uncharted territory. Most of us are just trying to find our next step, process everything that has happened, and do what we can to console others while still maintaining appropriate social distancing.

Continue reading “Grief: One Author’s Lessons From the Book of Job”
Guest Posts, Joy, Trials

Joy: Three Ways to Find Joy in Difficult Times

A zucchini blossom in a garden, a reminder that we must cultivate joy

Guest Blogger: Lindsay Harrel

***For the first three weeks in May, I want to introduce you to three author friends. They have books that have just released, and each of them has wisdom they’ll share in their posts that guided their stories. I am including links to their books, should you want to learn more. And no, I’m not earning anything from sharing them. I just want you to get to know these authors. Enjoy!***

I first came across Lindsay Harrel on a blog we both frequented. When I met her in person at a writer’s conference, I felt like I already knew her. She’s got a way with words and a passion for encouraging people. She’s a wife, a fellow boy-mom, and an author. I’ve loved reading her books, especially her most recent, The Joy of Falling, and walking this writing journey with her. Please welcome, Lindsay Harrel!

Last week’s book winner is: Jennifer Smith! Please email me within the next week with your address so we can get you your book.


I’ve been thinking about joy a lot lately.

Like many, I’ve struggled with a bit of depression over the craziness inflicted because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It comes and goes, and it’s nothing like others experience, but it’s there, lurking in the corner and coming for a visit when I least expect it.

But here’s what I’ve learned about hard times—even in the midst of them, we can experience joy. 

Let me rephrase that: we can CHOOSE joy.

Continue reading “Joy: Three Ways to Find Joy in Difficult Times”
Forgiveness, Joy

Joy: Finding Joy in Forgiveness

Pink flowers with rain drops on them, a reminder that there is beauty after storms

Guest Post by Darlene Turner

***Over the next three weeks, I want to introduce you to three author friends. They have books that have just released, and each of them has wisdom they’ll share in their posts that guided their stories. I am including links to their books, should you want to learn more. And no, I’m not earning anything from sharing them. I just want you to get to know these authors. Enjoy!***

Darlene Turner and I have been in the writing trenches together for a number of years. My Canadian friend has such a warmth about her. We’ve finaled in contests together…and consoled each other when someone else won. We’ve talked about personal issues and how God has brought us through. Her debut novel, Border Breach, released last month. If you like romantic suspense, you need to check this one out.


Early morning is my favourite time, especially during the warmer months (hopefully soon!). I love to sit outside on my patio listening to the cardinals sing. I enjoy smelling the freshness in the air and marvelling in the creation of the brilliant heavenly blue morning glories climbing my fence. It’s almost like they smile at me with their huge faces. I smile back. When I look at them, I see one thing. Joy.

Continue reading “Joy: Finding Joy in Forgiveness”
Choosing Gratitude series, Gratitude, Guest Posts

Choosing Gratitude (series): A List of Blessings

@JeanneTakenaka +Jeanne Takenaka

When I come to November in a year, something happens in my spirit. I’m ready to cozy down into warm sweaters and soft blankets. I love scented candles burning and soups simmering on the stovetop. It’s a time to slow  down and reflect over the year. When my spirit is in a good place, my heart finds much to be grateful for. One thing that fills me with gratitude is the gift of friends—real life and blogging friends.

For the next few weeks, I have invited five friends I respect deeply to share stories and thoughts on gratitude in their lives. I hope you will join with me for all five weeks and share your responses to their words. If you miss a week, you can click Choosing Gratitude series to catch up with the other posts in this series. Will you settle in with me, with a mug of something warm in your hands and think on those things and happenings in the year for which you are grateful?


I first met Lesley Crawford on one of the link-ups we each contribute to, Five Minute Friday, maybe? Whichever one it was, I am changed for the better for having crossed paths with her. Her genuine  heart for people and for Jesus shines through in her blog posts. I love that she loves music and uses her gifts and talents on a regular basis. And her writing? It’s real and vulnerable. It’s been beautiful to watch how God has given her a voice in the blogging world. I haven’t gotten to meet her in person . . . yet. But I hope to one day. I’d love to hear her Scottish way of saying things and her wise insights in real time. Please help me welcome Lesley to this little corner of the blog-o-sphere today!!


By Lesley Crawford

At the start of 2017, I began keeping a gratitude list. 

It was something I did on a whim. There was no particular reason for it or fixed goal in doing it. It just seemed like a good idea to try—to pause for a moment at the end of each day and write down two or three things for which I was thankful. I had heard others talk of doing this and I was curious about the impact it could have.’

Continue reading “Choosing Gratitude (series): A List of Blessings”

Control, Fear, God

Control: How Letting Go Can Beat Your Fears

@JeanneTakenaka +Jeanne Takenaka

Surprise! I’m posting on a Monday! Actually, my friend, Jerusha Agen, asked me to guest post on her site this week. So, I wanted to share this post with you, my readers, in my little space.

For anyone who’s read my blog this year, you know our family has had some challenges. You also know that I like control. I like to be able to predict what’s going to happen. Heck, I like to control the outcomes of every situation. 

But God . . . 

He has a way of taking situations out of my control. And, as He allowed things to unfold this year, He showed me some things about myself that are not . . . shall we say, pretty. For example, what drives my desire for control . . .


I’m just going to say it. I hate not being in control. I’ve played tug-of-war with God for years over who’s in control of my life. I would yank on that rope, thinking I had control of my plans and dreams, and that God would come alongside and nod agreement to my plans.

I know. Silly me.

And then He tugs back when life circumstances overwhelm me with their bigness . . . 

I’ll see you over at the Fear Warrior blog for the rest of this post.

Faith, Guest Posts, Life Lessons, Tiffany Parry, Uncategorized

Life Lessons: If We Will Just Move—Guest Post by Tiffany Parry

Moving Stream

By +Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

I met Tiffany Parry on a weekly link up we both do called Five Minute Fridays. As we’ve gotten to know each other through our blogs, my respect for this lady continues to grow. She’s a beautiful writer and a sweet lady with a vibrant relationship with God. I asked her to share part four of my series Life Lessons. (Find Parts One, Two, and Three here). I look forward to the day I get to sit and have coffee with Tiffany in person. Until then, I will continue to enjoy the words she shares on her blog.

Please help me welcome Tiffany!


My 40th birthday is a few weeks away. As I look ahead with anticipation, I also look back and assess the landscape of my life. I’m counting what I’ve accomplished, the dreams I’ve pursued, and even the longings I’ve allowed to slip through my fingers.

It’s true what they say: youth is wasted on the young.

Continue reading “Life Lessons: If We Will Just Move—Guest Post by Tiffany Parry”