FMF Messenger, Mothering, Relationship, Uncategorized

Messenger: Living in the Moment

As I checked Lisa-Jo Baker’s word for today—Messenger—I was stumped. Then I began thinking about it a little more…..Here’s the result. This largely unedited “rough draft” form of writing stretches this perfectionist, in the best of ways. If you’re interested in learning more about 5-Minute Fridays, check out Lisa-Jo Baker‘s site. Or, click on the link at the bottom of this post. As you read my simpler Friday posts, I hope you’ll join in the conversation!


By Jeanne Takenaka

I thought about who has been a messenger in my life.

And then it dawned on me.

I see smiles from two of the sweetest faces this side of heaven. I hear, “Mom! Mom!” just before some new discovery or animal fact pops out of their mouths.  My two boys have exuberance and joie d’vivre in abundance.

And me?

Well, I feel like I’m running from this task to the next most days. There’s much for this wife and mother to complete in a given day.

But these two precious sons—for whom I prayed for years—they summon me to slow down and enjoy life on their level for a little while.

Set aside my oh, so slowly plotting book . . .

Turn my back to the dishes in the sink for a few moments.

And simply listen. To their message.

Their hearts shine through their faces, through their words.

The message is, “Enjoy this moment, Mom! Enjoy it with me? Live it with me!”

I wrap my arms around my messengers and squeeze them close. They’ll only be little for a little longer.


I want to embrace each day with them, loving them in the moment. Listening to their explanations, and their attempts at sounding like the men they’ll one day be.

I need to listen to their message of being in the now. It’ll be gone too quickly.

These messengers fill me with joy when I take time to really look at them. Really listen to their words and tones and thoughts.

What about you? Who’s a messenger in your life? What message have you been hearing?

Lisa-Jo Baker’s FMF Messenger