Faith, Trials, Trusting God

Map: How is Your Spiritual GPS?

Hey everyone, I have a little news . . . I’m working on building a website. In a few weeks my blog will be moving over there. I’m so excited for you to visit my new little home! I’ll keep you filled in as the project wraps up. My blog will still be filled with encouraging posts, uplifting truths, and pretty pictures, it’ll just have a new home. 🙂


Picture of a map, the visual for the theme of this post

By Lisa Jordan

I turned on the Maps feature on my phone and looked at the GPS. The robotic voice commanded me to go southwest then turn right. Okay, but I wasn’t sure if southwest was right or left. 

My mom thought we needed to turn right, so we did. 

And my GPS rerouted us around the block—or so I thought—to get back onto the road we needed to head out of the busy city.

However, instead of connecting us back to the route I was familiar with, the GPS guided us a different way. And honestly, that way had less traffic, less congestion, and less roadwork. 

Continue reading “Map: How is Your Spiritual GPS?”
Guest Posts, Suffering, Uncategorized

Grief: One Author’s Lessons From the Book of Job

Guest Post by Anne Morelli

I haven’t yet had the privilege of meeting Anne Morelli in person, but we’ve connected in a number of places online. And every one of her posts is encouraging and authentic. She has a way of sharing quiet, heartfelt wisdom. She recently released an intriguing book about grief called, When Grief Descends: Suffering, Consolation, and The Book of Job (see details below). I invited her to share a little bit about her book and her thoughts here. Will you please help me welcome Anne to this little corner of the internet?


In an incredibly short period, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused us to face a breadth and depth of change that has thrown us off-kilter. The losses that are associated with every change have forced us to walk on unfamiliar paths, through uncharted territory. Most of us are just trying to find our next step, process everything that has happened, and do what we can to console others while still maintaining appropriate social distancing.

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Faith, Summer Break, Uncategorized

Summer-Glimpses So Far

Snowball flowers on a summer morning


Happy July, Everyone!

I hope you had a relaxing Independence Day celebration, though I suspect it looked different from past years.

My husband spent the last number of weeks working out of state, so I’ve decided to take a two-week blogging break to spend some time with family. I’m sharing a few glimpses of my summer so far. I hope you’ll join me back here in two weeks!

And, if you are looking for something to read and focus on Jesus this summer, I’m giving away a 28-day devotional book called, Finding God’s Presence in Everyday Living to my newsletter subscribers. Click the book cover below for more information.

Continue reading “Summer-Glimpses So Far”