Change in Plans, Perspective

Change in Plans–Snow Day!

Image courtesy of dan at

When I checked the weather forecast, my heart jolted at the stark red line with the white words, “Blizzard Warning” emblazoned within it. Am I crazy to hope for a snow day? In April? Probably. Snow days equal “change in plans.” The thought of dropping all scheduled events for the day and hanging out at home with my kids makes me happy. Yes, I’ll still work on projects. We’ll also do things together, like see who can earn the most strongholds and fortresses in Lord of the Rings Monopoly. They will enjoy unexpected play time. I may even get to chat with the characters in my story.

What is it that makes my heart race with anticipation? I could say it’s because our region desperately needs the moisture. But, I’m not that altruistic. I’m just excited about the prospect of a day at home. In my hustle and bustle season,  this change in plans makes it acceptable for me to play hooky from life-as-usual. Lighting a scented candle, Imageenjoying a quiet morning, listening to wind howl outside, having young boy arms circle my waist for the first morning hug, and watching snow flakes swirl outside my windows . . . All these fill me with joy.

When things beyond my control–like blizzards–change my plans, it can be a good thing. I love the life I get to live–it’s full. Mommy and family activities, Bible study, the freedom to run errands and spend time with friends, these all make life fulfilling, and busy. Snow days are an unexpected gift of time. They give me the opportunity to view life with a different perspective.

I can already hear the clash of plastic light sabers as Peter and Edmund  battle Sith lords in the basement, and possibly a few arguments. These are sounds I love. Okay, maybe not the arguing so much, but definitely the squeals of boys playing, and knowing we’re all safe and warm together.

If we don’t get our snow day, life will go on, and all will still be well. If school is canceled, I will be jumping up and down with my kids eager to behold the possibilities ahead. Either way, I am going to embrace our day.

Your Turn: What do you do when your day dictates a change in plans? How do you embrace the change?