Being Still, Christmas, Five Minute Friday scribblings

Only: What Was It Like?

+Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

Our Five Minute Friday prompt this week is—ONLY. This largely unedited “rough draft” form of writing stretches this perfectionist, in the best of ways. We write for five minutes on a given word. If you’re interested in learning more about 5-Minute Fridays, check out the Five Minute Friday website. Or, click on the link at the bottom of this post. As you read my simpler Friday posts, I hope you’ll join in the conversation!


What must it have been like for Joseph and Mary that first night of Jesus’ life? Before even the shepherds came? Before townspeople began to whisper? Before the wise men visited?

When they were the only two beholding the Savior of the world wrapped in dirty cloths, nestled in their arms?

Did awe overwhelm them as they gazed into His perfect, tiny face? As they watched his lips twitch and pucker for sustenance?

What must it have been like? 

To be the first to see hints of what this baby boy would look like?

The chilly night breezes . . . the earthy scent of animals nearby.

How was it to be the only ones with Jesus, before angels announced His birth?

In the quiet of the stable, Joseph and Mary must have adored their baby. Perhaps gazed in wonder that the essence of God who created everything could be captured into the body of one wee babe.

What must it have been like to sense God’s presence hovering over them in the stillness of the night?

When I think about the chaos that now accompanies “Christmas,” I wonder if we’ve lost that sense of awe, the beauty of stillness.

What if we were able to focus only on Jesus? If we let the cacophony of the malls slip away, even for a little while, and sat in His presence . . . could we know His presence?

I have not been great about being still and giving my heart only to Him. I have let the busy-ness of preparations creep in and distract my mind and spirit.

But maybe, in the days that remain, I can spend some time only with Jesus.  Sitting in awe of this God-man who shed heavenly robes to put on rags and walk among mankind.

Maybe I can worship Him as I listen to Christmas songs and sing them.

He is the only one worthy of our worship. When we set our hearts on worshiping Him—on acknowledging the gift He gave—maybe we can re-discover the joy-overflowing that comes when we’ve been with Him.

What about you? How do you worship Jesus in the middle of the busy Christmas season? What is one of your family’s favorite Christmas traditions?

This will be my final post until the new year. I want to take time to bed fully present with my family and simplify my schedule for the next few weeks. Know that I cherish each of you, my readers, and I will pray God meets you wherever you are and reminds you that He is truly “God with us.”

Click to Tweet: How was it to be the only ones with Jesus, before angels announced His birth?

I’m linking up with Five Minute Friday—Only

Being Still, Faith, Trusting God

Detours: When We Take Wrong Turns


+Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

I saw the detour sign . . . and it told me to do the opposite of how SIRI directed me.

I’m not afraid of driving in places I’ve never been before. The upside of having GPS on my phone is that I can call on SIRI to get me directions to almost any place I want to go.

The downside of this is that, sometimes, SIRI is wrong.

Or, she’ll direct me on a longer route than necessary. I’m not sure why. It’s always a tricky decision when things seem contradictory. Follow the signs, or follow a satellite-directed app?

Continue reading “Detours: When We Take Wrong Turns”

Being Still, Busy-ness, Family Relationships, God, Intentional Living

Ambition: The Quiet Life

Quiet purple blossoms

By +Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

I had a B-U-S-Y spring. My hubby had to travel overseas on business for six-and-a-half weeks. Forty-five days to be exact. In that time, he missed two birthdays, all the end of school activities, including a sixth-grade celebration ceremony for Peter before he heads to junior high next year.

Continue reading “Ambition: The Quiet Life”