Affirmation, Identity, Identity Am I Enough

Identity: Am I Enough?


Last week, I shared a few thoughts about things that molded my identity. I borrowed the analogy of gold stars and gray dots from Max Lucado’s children’s book, You Are Special.

When I chased after the gold stars, the question, “Am I enough?” dominated my thoughts.

Continue reading “Identity: Am I Enough?”

Affirmation, Identity, Identity Gold Star Standard

Identity: Gold Star Standard

My next couple posts will explore a little bit about identity, and lessons I’ve learned the hard way about my identity. Hopefully, it’s not too transparent! I look forward to your thoughts.

**For the record: The pictures in this post are only meant to illustrate what were once important gold stars. 🙂


“My name is Jeanne, and I’m a gold star seeker.”

“You’re a what?!”

I’m a gold star seeker. I learned at a young age how good receiving a gold star feels compared to having a gray dot pasted to my proverbial skin. (See Max Lucado’s book, You Are Special.”)

Continue reading “Identity: Gold Star Standard”

Life, Living In the Moment, Time

Living In the Moment


A funny thing happened on the way home from the ACFW conference last Monday. God gave me the gift of sitting next to an author I highly respect. After I got past my “fan-girl” moments, we both rested for a bit.

Continue reading “Living In the Moment”

Interview With a Debut Author Melissa Tagg, Uncategorized

Interview With Debut Author: Melissa Tagg

I met the fun, uplifting Melissa Tagg at a My Book Therapy retreat a few years ago. Her sincere faith in Jesus and humorous way of stringing words together have always made me smile. She is one of the most encouraging people I’ve met, and I’m thrilled she’s joining me here today.

Please welcome . . .

Continue reading “Interview With Debut Author: Melissa Tagg”

Heart Lessons From ACFW, Passion, Perspective

Heart Lessons From ACFW

I loved the reminder of this verse!

A couple weeks ago, I mentioned that I planned to attend the American Christian Fiction Writer’s (ACFW) Conference. Well, I did, and I’ve come home exhausted, but invigorated.

Who knew one could experience so many emotions during a three day writer’s conference?

Continue reading “Heart Lessons From ACFW”

Passion, Passion in Hard Times

Passion in Hard Times


The day I began to write my first book was the first day I discovered unexpected passion. The story came into my head, exciting me and making my heart pound. Could I seriously write a book?

With the decision to try, I discovered passion in a whole new way. Passion to write well, to tell the story God gave me to tell. He didn’t give it to someone else. That thought instilled a deeper passion and an intense determination to do it well.

I will say writing is the second (after mothering two boys) most difficult thing I’ve ever attempted. The hard days have come. Remembering this story is mine to write has revived my passion when hope of ever finishing flailed. It’s helped me to not give up.

What about you? What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever attempted? Do you agree or disagree that passion is sometimes what keeps you going when the temptation to give up is strong?

Passion, Passion and Faith (quote)

Passion and Faith

I want to give you a quick update on what these next couple weeks hold for me. This coming weekend, I have a commitment with our church.

Next weekend, I will be attending the American Christian Fiction Writers conference. I need to scale back my blog preparation time. So, I have prepared a few posts with quotes I like and want to share with you, along with a some thoughts and a question. I’ll be back to my regular posting schedule beginning September 17th. On September 19th, I have a special surprise planned!

I hope you’ll join in the conversation!


As I considered this quote, I realized I had never thought about the role passion plays in faith. If someone chooses to live a life of faith, passion is reflected in how that person speaks, acts and in the choices made. My challenge is to live out my faith with passion. I don’t always succeed, but because my faith is in Jesus, I find grace when I make mistakes. Grace that allows me to try again.

What about you? Do you agree or disagree with the idea that faith is the highest passion in a human being?