Five Minute Friday scribblings, Trusting God, Uncategorized

Tomorrow: Who Holds Tomorrow?

LM Montgomery tomorrow quote

By +Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

My Five Minute Friday prompt this week is—TOMORROW. This largely unedited “rough draft” form of writing stretches this perfectionist, in the best of ways. I write for five minutes on a given topic. If you’re interested in learning more about 5-Minute Fridays, check out our hostess, Kate Motaung’s site. Or, click on the link at the bottom of this post. As you read my simpler Friday posts, I hope you’ll join in the conversation!


Today was one of those non-stop days. Up at 4:00 a.m. and still running. Okay, maybe more like crawling, as I come to the final moments before I fall into bed.

It’s been a day of comforting kiddos, and raising my voice. And asking for forgiveness. This day held some mistakes. And some disappointments.

It’s also given me perspective. I have a friend dealing with some draining physical issues right now. Being able to help her in a small way? That was a blessing in this day.

Wrapping my arms around my boy through an exhausted meltdown? That grounded me.

Yes, this day held mistakes. It also offered blessings.

Yet, I confess, the thought of waking up to a fresh new day that’s still free of mistakes, or erase marks in it? I like that.

Beach stones at sunset

I can go to bed weary, and wake up with a sense of anticipation.

But what about when I don’t? What about when I wake up to a day that feels marked up already?

Those are the days I find I need to spend extra time with Jesus. Sometimes, I need the reminder of the bigger picture. He’s got this day. He’s got those things that weigh me down. He’s holding me in the palm of His hand. Because he loves me (and each of us) that much.

Tomorrows don’t always hold joy or refreshment. Sometimes they hold sorrow. Often, they hold uncertainty. But in the midst of what tomorrow holds, I know Who holds tomorrow.


And I know Who’s holding me.


Sunset on waves

He strengthens me and walks beside me through each day. Into tomorrow.

One of these tomorrows will bring me face-to-face with Him. And that will be the best tomorrow yet.

What about you? When you think about tomorrow, what impressions and thoughts come to mind? How do you view them? How do you refresh yourself when today has drained you?

Visit Kate Motaung’s FMF Post—Tomorrow

25 thoughts on “Tomorrow: Who Holds Tomorrow?”

  1. Wonderful post! And you totally won me over with the L.M. Montgomery quote — Anne of Green Gables is one of my absolute favorite books. Visiting from FMF


  2. Thanks for sharing! You’re right, sometimes the tomorrows are nice to wake up to, others are really hard. When I have one of these days I sometimes say, “Lord, you better surprise me today” and he often does. I also like the Montgomery quote! 🙂 Happy Friday to you!


  3. Perfect picture of truth and I share your feelings. Today held mistakes, but also blessings. Tomorrow is often full of hope….but occasionally I wake up with dread about some aspect of it. There is such comfort, as we pause…to remember God holds us and our tomorrow.


    1. You’re right, Stephanie. There is hope in the knowing that God holds us an our tomorrow. I don’t know how I would get through them without that truth! Thank you so much for stopping by. 🙂


  4. I’ll join the chorus of kindred spirits who loved the Lucy Maud Montgomery quote. I’ve always loved that outlook on life. Fresh start. Each morning. – Sarah, stopping by from Five Minute Friday


  5. Tears in my eyes. Yes, Jeanne, seeing the LORD face to face will be the best tomorrow. Each day has its blessings–but like you said–sometimes bedtime looks really good. I loved your message and the magnificent pictures.

    Blessings on your weekend ~ Wendy ❀


    1. Thank you, Wendy. Sad to say, there are days when I can wait for that best tomorrow. And there are days when I feel sooo ready to escape here. 🙂 I always appreciate your comments.


  6. So true – tomorrow doesn’t promise to be better. But, it does promise to be new and different. I’m trying to be aware during my todays so that I can make small changes in the tomorrow.


  7. Beautiful, Jeanne….loved it. I find, as I’m on my own journey towards faith, that I’m at the stage where I’m hearing little reminders of the importance of spending time specifically with Him. I was really really stressed yesterday, for example…..normally I’d go for a run or meditate but, no, I heard a little voice directing me to the Bible…..I opened where I felt I was being told to open and it was at Psalm 18…”….from the hands of violent men”….to say I was astounded is an understatement….I definitely felt it was a gift. As I find myself getting worked up, agitated, I make a conscious effort, now, to make time, even if it’s a few seconds, to give Him thanks or to converse with Him directly……it’s made such an enormous difference to the depth of my understanding of my relationship with faith and my connection with all things Divine…spending the extra time with Him brings such massive, massive rewards….[Loved your post, loved it….as I do all of your FMF posts!]…Helen xx


    1. I agree with you, Helen. Time in God’s word renews perspective and refreshes the spirit. I’ve been working to be more purposeful to talk with God in the moment, especially when I’m feeling stressed. It helps to know He hears us. I’m thankful God gives us what we need in the moment. Thanks so much for stopping by. You bless me.


    1. I’m with you, Amy. I hope I live each day a little better than the one before it. 🙂 I agree with the thought of tomorrow being new giving us hope. Have a great weekend!


  8. Wow! I loved this!! It is exactly what’s in my heart right now! Finding the blessings in each day and knowing there’s grace for the moments that aren’t so pretty. Thank you for these words of encouragement and reminding me I’m not alone!


    1. Steffani, I’m so glad you stopped by! I’m with you. I’m so glad there is grace for those moments that aren’t pretty. And that God shows us glimpses of Himself in each day. Have a great weekend. 🙂


  9. There’s a photograph from the Korean War, of a young Marine at the Yalu River. The photographer asked the chap what he would want, if he could ask God for one thing

    His reply was, “Give me tomorrow.”

    For me, that pretty well sums it up. Today, so far, is dreadful. Collapsed twice, hit my head rather badly.

    But still, give me tomorrow.

    Still working this morning stuff on a borrowed Smart Phone, still no email. It is a bit odd.


    1. I’m so sorry you had a rough day yesterday, Andrew. I have been praying for you. For strength for each day. I’m praying for tomorrow for you. I’m praying in the now, and I’ll be praying in tomorrow.

      So sorry your internet is still down, but thank goodness for smart phones, eh? I hope you’re able to get it figured out soon. Thank you for stopping by my “place.” I’m always grateful for your thoughts.


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