Five Minute Friday scribblings, Perspective

Path: Changing Our Path

Walking Path

+Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

Five Minute Friday prompt this week is—PATH. This largely unedited “rough draft” form of writing stretches this perfectionist, in the best of ways. I write for five minutes on a given topic. If you’re interested in learning more about 5-Minute Fridays, check out our hostess, Kate Motaung’s site. Or, click on the link at the bottom of this post. As you read my simpler Friday posts, I hope you’ll join in the conversation!


Last week, I had the privilege of hearing Ted Dekker speak. I wasn’t sure what to expect from a man who writes stories in ways I’ve never conceived, and some I can’t read (and others I have). But, I’m telling ya, his words were transformational.

For a girl who’s spent most of her life dealing with the fallout of childhood rejection, my path was set on people-pleasing. Getting approval at almost any cost.

My beliefs were focused on doing whatever was necessary to fill that void the rejection carved out in my heart. Even in the fabric of how I perceived myself.

Ted shared about something I’ve begun witnessing in my own, life, but I’m still learning how to live out.

When we change the way we view things—when our old beliefs are shaken—new beliefs can be planted in our hearts. Our paths can change.

Viewing with God's lens copy

As I learn to view myself through God’s lens and not the lens that has filtered my view of myself for decades, I begin to see circumstances in with new eyes.

As I have a changed perspective, I’ll respond differently to the things that happen in my life. As I respond differently, my path is going to change.

I think it is so amazing how God does this. He’s given us His word. It guides us on His path. But we get waylaid by life, by things people say to or about us. We change the way we see God’s path, His word. We alter how we react to the things that happen.

When we view ourselves through God’s filter, when we believe what He says about us? Things change. Period.

Hazy morning

We begin to live with a renewed spirit. With a refreshed vigor. We begin to respond to people differently. Even to those who have hurt us. We can view them through God’s lens and maybe (in time) show them His love.

When we change our beliefs about ourselves, our past, our path changes. When we align them with God’s truth, those changes are often for the better.

What about you? When has your perspective been shifted and how did you respond? What do you think about this changing your beliefs?

Click to Tweet: When we change our beliefs about ourselves, our past, our path changes.

I’m linking up with Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Friday—PATH

27 thoughts on “Path: Changing Our Path”

  1. Jeanne, what a wonderful essay, and what great pictures! Truly, God must delight in your company and your faith. You are His friend.

    It would be tempting to say that illness has changed my perspective, but it’s really a lot more complex than that – it goes back through decades of slow molding, to come to a realization –

    My life isn’t about me. It’s about offering hope, encouragement, and where necessary and possible far more kinetic solutions to others. I’m simply the instrument.

    31 at FMF this week.


    1. Interesting perspective, Andrew. I think you may be right. We are shaped and molded throughout our lives. I love the lessons God has shown you, and how you’ve embraced them. You’re so intentional about living out what you said—living like your life isn’t your own. You are so good about offering hope and encouragement to others. I have seen the changes, the smoothing of some of the edges as we’ve walked the blogging path over the past few years. God has truly worked (and continues to work) mightily in and through you, my friend.


  2. great post jeanne! seeing ourselves through the lens of jesus? changes everything doesn’t it? wonderful how He changes us over time. some changes are dramatic, but most seem to be growing changes of attitude and heart as he softens our hard hearts and enables us to truly forgive instead of holding onto unforgiveness. so thankful for the work He has done.


    1. Martha, you said it so well. God changes our heart attitudes and our hearts, softening them and molding them to more clearly reflect Him. I am so thankful that He enables us to let go of things like unforgiveness. I’m with you: So thankful for the work He’s done!


  3. Such beautiful truth here, Jeanne. Our response is key to change. Love this: “As I respond differently, my path is going to change.” The enemy tries to convince us we are stuck, but God is always there making things new. Thanks for this reminder today. And Happy Friday!


    1. You’re right, Karen. Our response is the key to change. The enemy does try to skew our perspective, to convince us we can never change. I’m so glad God reminds us of His truth, like you said, that in Him, we are being made new. Thank you so much for stopping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. That also struck me from Ted Dekker’s talk-changing how we look at things from the human perspective to align with God’s. Choosing a better, more godly perspective has been a bit of a theme for me, lately. Thanks for the reminder!


    1. Emily, there were so many things that Ted said that struck me. Who knows, more of those things may come out in future blogs. 🙂 I’m asking God to help me see things with His perspective. It’s an intentional learning how to do this, isn’t it?


  5. “As I learn to view myself through God’s lens and not the lens that has filtered my view of myself for decades, I begin to see circumstances in with new eyes.” Amen! Loved reading your post, Jeanne. Your words are refreshing and inspiring! Blessings to you!


  6. It’s so hard to stop and change that path sometimes…. Love how you put it, though: it renews, refreshes, and restores us to who we were created to be. Pretty amazing.


    1. You’re right, Annie. It can be soooo hard to change our paths. I think the first step is seeing the need for change, seeing that we might not be perceiving everything going on in our lives accurately. That’s when we can begin to change our perspective. 🙂


    1. I agree, Christina. When our perspectives change, freedom can happen. 🙂 It was an amazing talk! I’m revisiting the notes I took and praying through them. Thank you for stopping by.


  7. Jeanne, I’m listening to Ted everyday as I go through The Forgotten Way Meditations (which I highly recommend). I’ve liked his fiction as I like metaphor and I have really enjoyed his talks to writers which I also highly recommend. I’m envious that you got to hear him in person! From a pastor who prayed and felt Jesus wanted me to ‘stop doing’ and get my identity in Christ at the beginning of the year, to a Christian Transformation Counselor to Ted’s study and podcasts, God has really been pointing me to Him journey has brought the scriptures alive, and changes perspective as you mention! God is good!


    1. Lynn, I’m praying about signing up for the twenty-one day course. I appreciate that you’ve worked through it and recommend it. 🙂 It sounds like God has done some transforming in you this year! God truly is good. Thank you for sharing what He’s doing in you right now.


  8. Thanks, Jeanne. I would have loved to attend that workshop as well. I’ve heard that he’s very inspirational.
    I so appreciated the reminder today about perspective. You’re so right! Renewing your mind, changing paths, living differently, it all starts with seeing things the way God sees them. Living from His higher vantage point.
    Have a great weekend! May you find time to work on your next fiction book 😉
    Shauna (#18 this week)


    1. Shauna, thanks for stopping by! Before the conference, I’d never heard Ted Dekker speak. He is inspirational. I like what you said about learning to live from God’s higher vantage point. It seems like we have to learn from God and bring things to Him so we can learn to look at life from a new perspective. At least, that’s what I’m finding. 🙂

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