Dreams, Five Minute Friday scribblings, Uncategorized

Door: Walking Through


By +Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

My Five Minute Friday prompt this week is—DOOR. This largely unedited “rough draft” form of writing stretches this perfectionist, in the best of ways. I write for five minutes on a given topic. If you’re interested in learning more about 5-Minute Fridays, check out our hostess, Kate Motaung’s site. Or, click on the link at the bottom of this post. As you read my simpler Friday posts, I hope you’ll join in the conversation!


For years—decades even—I wouldn’t go near the door. The door that God placed in my heart that would open to let me explore my heart’s desire. If only I would be brave enough to turn the handle and see what was on the other side.

I’d told myself since I was a teenager I would never be qualified to walk through that door. That I wasn’t creative enough, or knowledgable enough.

The door? Writing.

I’d always yearned to be a writer. But man, it’s intimidating to try and come up with words someone else will want to read. And an entire book? Bar the doors now. Jeanne could never, ever walk through that particular door.

Manor Door 2

But, sometimes, God . . . He gives a nudge. Sometimes He sparks the idea which is the beginning of inspiration, which lights the first embers of bravery.

And so I walked through it. I dared to share a crazy story idea with a friend who said, “You need to write that book.”

You can bet I was shaking in my flip flops after that little get together.

The funny thing is? As I have walked further inside the writer’s world, I’ve learned that often walking through a door leads to greater dependence on Jesus. He’s teaching me many lessons I never would’ve learned if I hadn’t been brave enough to take the first steps through a door I had marked “never.”

Trusting God to give me words. Story ideas. Characters.

And He hasn’t set me on this journey alone. He’s placed friends, encouragers, confidantes on my path to walk alongside me.

Sometimes it takes trusting God when he gives that nudge.

GE Door

I never would have learned how to look to Him to define me if I hadn’t taken that first step through a door I had locked from my side.

God cracked it open, and the funny thing is? Since He did, I’ve found joy in ways I never thought I would. He’s brought me to the end of myself many times and shown me more of Him. He’s helping me learn to reflect Him to the world around me.

I would have missed all of this if I had let fear rule my decisions and never stepped through the door I’d marked “never.”

What about you? Is there a door God’s nudged you to walk through? Do you have any dreams you’re reluctant to explore?

Visit Kate Motaung’s site for Five Minute Friday—Door

31 thoughts on “Door: Walking Through”

  1. Sometimes it takes saying those dreams out loud for them to become less scary. I love that God had been planting that seed, but that he used a friend to truly get your dream started. I’m so glad you’ve listened and opened that door – your writing is such a blessing. (I know that sounds cliche, but I look forward to your reflections like a devotional!) Can’t wait to read your book one day. 🙂


    1. Annie, you’re right. There’s something about saying dreams (and I’ve found, those fears) out loud that help them become less scary. Sometimes sharing those dreams with trusted friends give us a new perspective, and a sense that yes, they really can become reality.:) And thanks for your kind words. I love your posts too. 🙂


  2. Wow!! This post really spoke to me today. There is a door that I’m afraid to walk through but I’m also sending and feeling that God might be opening that door for me.


    1. Then, I hope He gives you the braveness to walk through it. 🙂 God usually has surprises on the other side of those kinds of doors. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by, Tara!


  3. I’m really glad you gained the courage to walk through that door. Sometimes, I think when you’re doing what you’re meant to do, God and the universe and everything else works out the details. And I’m sure now that you’re pursuing that goal, you’re feeling an inner peace. A few years ago, I took a chance to start writing again after a long hiatus, and even if it doesn’t make me a bestselling writer and world-famous (ha-ha), I feel good about trying and putting myself out there. It feels rewarding to write words and have others respond to them. And I, too, feel that nudge.


    1. Maribeth, kudos to you as well for starting writing again. 🙂 World-famous? Yeah, I’m thinking that’s way outside my scope. 🙂 But, like you, if my words can encourage others, then that’s a good, good thing. 🙂 I’m with you, when people respond, it blesses my heart. 🙂 Have a great weekend.

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      1. Oh, yeah, me, too! I’m happy just being able to have creative outlets and the occasional pat on the back. Hope you do, too!


  4. Thank you for sharing your story. I stand today scared to walk through a certain door even though I have felt His nudge for a few years but I have at least placed my hand on the doorknob. With your encouragement today I open to be able to open it and walk on in.


  5. Jeanne, I can sure relate to your words. And often the most intimidating doors are even more beautiful on the other side. Thank you for this encouragement. I love your door pictures too.

    Blessings ~ Wendy ❀


    1. You’re so right, Wendy! Often what’s on the other side is far more beautiful, much better than what we anticipate. I like pictures of doors . . . in case you hadn’t noticed. 😉

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  6. I’m walking through a door and it is leading to adventure and spontaneity and not knowing what’s happening next. It’s scary but so exciting! (My husband and I quit our jobs and will no longer be on church staff at the end of June – then it’s an open-ended road trip to New York with God leading us!)


    1. Liz, that’s a HUGE door to be walking through! And you are one faith-filled lady to be doing that. I’m sure God has guided you and your hubby in this decision, and I can only imagine all He has waiting for you on the other side. I look forward to reading more about this great adventure you’re both embarking upon!

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  7. I love this! Writing is HARD. It is so much harder than people imagine. “Oh, I could write a book.” Really? You could, essentially, cut yourself and bleed all over the page and then let others gawk at it? So I am cheering for you! And I want to read your stories. 🙂

    And…maybe God is nudging me through the same door, only with a different focus. It’s scary.


    1. Marie, you’re right. Writing is hard! And yet, there’s something that happens when we sit at the computer and put those words from our hearts onto the page. As Eric Liddel said, “I feel His pleasure” when I write.

      If He’s nudging you, I hope you’ll go. You have a beautiful voice, Marie. Just one step forward at a time. 😉


  8. The greatest story you tell, Jeanne, is the one that illuminates your Heart of Faith, right here in this blog.

    YOU are our favourite character.


  9. Beautiful, beautiful post…I’m learning, too, how we manage to lock our true selves away (through fear) and how, when we break that cycle, we’ll find joys beyond imagining and pathways that seem to just open up (out of nowhere, seemingly) to give us little nudges and tips and help along our way to following ‘the dream’…..it’s amazing. Beautiful. Powerful. And, as you say, we just need to be brave enough to take those first baby steps……He will do the rest. Isn’t that so incredible?! I *really* would like to read any book you write…..and am encouraging you with my best most positive energies, always sent your way….Helen xx


    1. Helen, God really is incredible. He gives us the dream, equips us to pursue it, and then He makes us able to attain it. I’m so thankful that He gives us what we need, if we’ll take that first step in faith. And, thanks for those encouragements. 🙂 I’ll keep you posted.


      1. Absolutely! I’m keeping a blessings jar and it’s pretty much filled up (within a month!)….life is wonderful when He walks with us! Encouragements will always come from my part xxxx


  10. Man, am I ever glad you walked through the writing door. Your place is one of my favorites and it’s clear that God is using your gifts to His glory. I love this line so much, “I’ve learned that often walking through a door leads to greater dependence on Jesus. ” Amen! Keep trusting and leaning on Him, friend. 🙂


    1. Awwww, thanks, Karen. I love your writing as well. You always, always make me think. And thanks for the kind words. They truly encourage me. I’ll keep trusting, and you do the same. 🙂 I so appreciate you!

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  11. Life seems to be a series of doors. I don’t know if I’ve walked through the ones God had intended me to, but He is the Great Adjuster and has the ability to turn the other side of any door into something of value.


    1. I’m so thankful God is the Great Adjuster! I love your thoughts here, that God can turn any door into something of value. He is amazing at redeeming our mistakes, isn’t He? I always appreciate your thoughts, Gene!

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  12. Great post Jeannie! Doors certainly can be exciting adventures~ specially when God opens them, and we choose to walk through them. As a fellow writer, I understand the challenge of that one. But I so admire you and your writing and am so glad you walked through the door!! Blessings!


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