Focus, Life, New Year's Resolutions Or One Word?, Passion, Perspective

New Year’s Resolutions Or One Word?


Are you a Resolutions person or a One Word person?

At the end of one year, people often begin to think on the next.

Changes they plan to make . . .

Getting fit, losing weight . . .


Changing jobs . . .

Eating more healthily . . .

Making resolutions for changes they plan to make in the coming year.

Image I’ve tried the “Resolution” thing. I wasn’t, uh, very resolute in sticking with the changes I’d mapped out to become a better person. I was great at working out for a month . . .

Okay, maybe two weeks.

But then I’d slip into the old habits. Again.

A few years ago, Beth Vogt introduced me to the idea of meditating on one word.

Focusing on one word offers freedom in the growing. Growing and changing as God speaks to me about one word for the year,

. . . rather than me trying to change myself in my own strength. 

He knows the word I need each year. During every 365 day period, circumstances enter my life that teach me more about this one word. God uses “one word lessons” to prepare me for circumstances that come my way in that year.

What I’ve done to prepare for a year of meditating one word, is the following:

  1. I write out definitions for the word in a journal
  2. I list synonyms and antonyms to better understand the nuances of the word
  3. I write down and study my focus verse for the year
  4. Through the year, I add things I learn about my word. These are great reminders.
  5. I make or buy something that reminds me what I’m focusing on.


In 2012, my word was PASSION. God showed me passion can be more than a fleeting impulse. It’s sometimes lived out in agonia, the Latin term, like Jesus experienced on His journey to the cross.

I learned humility is the change agent for passion to grow and be productive.


PERSPECTIVE is my 2013 word. When I walk through circumstances, if I can do it remembering God is trustworthy—even when things look bad this side of heaven—I’ll walk through them with His peace in my heart.

I’ve been praying since September that God would show me my word for 2014. It is:


My meditation verse is Hebrews 13:6 ~ “So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’”

God has lessons for me regarding what “Enough” looks like to Him, how He wants it to reflect in my life.

I’m looking forward to seeing how He works through this one word.

What about you? Are you a “Resolutions,” or a “One Word” or a “something else” sort of person? If you are focusing on one word for 2014, what is it?  

***Due to life circumstances, I have decided to cut back to blogging one day a week for the time being. I hope you will continue to stop by on Tuesdays and share your thoughts with me!***

Other Resources:

17 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolutions Or One Word?”

  1. I’ve never really seen the sense in a resolution for a new calendar year. If something’s worth changing, it’s worth changing now.

    2013 was, for me, an annus horrbilis, and I don’t really know of one word that would encompass it. I’d be almost afraid of giving the nascent 2014 a word, for fear of jinxing it.

    So I guess I’ll just see what happens.


    1. I never succeeded in keeping a resolution, so I gave up trying to after a couple years of establishing. I like your mindset: If it’s worth changing, it’s worth changing now. So true. I’m seeing more and more the importance of embracing today, including making changes in the now, rather than waiting for “some day” to begin the work of change.

      Here’s hoping 2014 is better than this one for you, Andrew. One thing I’m thankful for in this year is the opportunity to get to know you a little better through blogs. I’m praying your day is a good one.


  2. Love that word…enough! 🙂 My word for 2013 was rejoice, and God definitely showed me that he calls us to rejoice in good times and bad. Thankfully, I had a lot to rejoice over this year (although there were those tough times too). My word for 2014 is lean. Looking forward to learning to lean on the Lord, to trust him more.


    1. That is a great word, Lindsay. Yes, we have the choice to rejoice in both times, not that it’s always easy, is it? 🙂 I love your word for 2014. I look forward to hearing what God teaches you through it!


  3. So interesting. I’ve never heard of this one word thing. This past year, instead of resolutions, I did Thankfulness 360 (I started 5 days late…) I’ve loved doing it. It has made me intentional about being grateful. I’m not sure I want to give it up, but I’m not sure I can keep it fresh for another year. I’m going to look into this and read your links. thank you!


    1. I’m so glad you found it helpful. It has helped me in many ways over the past couple years. 🙂 I’ve begun a journal, after reading Ann Voskamp’s, One Thousand Gifts. I write things I’m thankful for in it each day. Whether it’s something like soap and warm water for washing dishes, or a good diagnosis for a medical mystery. It all goes in there. 🙂 I probably have some repeats, but that’s okay.

      I hope you find the links helpful!


  4. I love this idea, Jeanne! And I love your beautiful “Passion” journal and the ways you creatively worked with those words. Thanks for sharing, dear one!


  5. One word? That’s a pretty powerful way to focus. There’s power in having a WHY behind the DO, and if that’s the way to get yourself motivated, I say go with it. I don’t do resolutions. I do goals. All year round. I’ll set one, then work to achieve it. As soon as it becomes a habit, I add another. That’s the system that works for me, but everyone is different.


    1. You’re right, Crystal. The WHY is what helps me carry out the DO. I like the way you worded that. 🙂 I set goals, but I’m not always as diligent as I could be in meeting them. I love your idea of starting with one and establishing it as a habit before beginning the work toward mastering/achieving the next goal. It sounds like you have a great system!
      Thanks for stopping by!


  6. 2013 was the first year I changed from resolutions to one word. And it wasn’t even one word. Ha! I chose, “Thy will be done.” Many times this year I’ve gone to God with something heavy on my heart and I’d end my time with Him by saying, “Thy will be done.”
    I’m leaning toward Grace for my word for 2014, but I’m going to pray about it some more before I decide.
    Thanks for sharing!


    1. “Thy will be done.” That’s a lot of living and learning for you, Jackie. 🙂 I love how God meets us in our struggles and stills our racing hearts with HIs words. Even when they’re not always easy to hear. I look forward to hearing what your 2014 word is!


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