Hope, Living with Intention, One Word, Trusting God, Uncategorized

2019: One Word

@JeanneTakenaka +Jeanne Takenaka

There’s something about a new year that enables me to breathe deep. 

2018 was a tough year for our family. We walked through some things with the boys that had me remembering that my Hope is truly found in Jesus alone. I found myself turning to Him in the stress and the chaos that the year threw at me.

In December, my sweet mama fell and broke her hip and wrist. I am so thankful I live close enough to drive and help my parents. Jesus strengthened each of us as we walked through the craziness of that month. And the beautiful thing was, God gave my mom her wish of coming home on Christmas Day to spend it with our family. 

I ended 2018 just trying to remember how to breathe and slow down my heart and soul to a speed of stillness.

I love a new year because God gives me a new focus with One Word. I am a “One Word” gal, rather than a New Year’s Resolution gal. I’m always surprised at how God brings these words to life in my heart. These are my previous words:








As I walked through our summer and fall months with crazy schedules, extra appointments, and navigating life as a mom with teen boys, I found myself managing the trials and the craziness that was our lives. 

I kind of forgot how to live in each moment. Managing is my “go-to” mode. I can control things—or at least myself—even when I can’t control the circumstances I find myself in. There is a measure of comfort in having control (or at least thinking I have control) in my life. I’m a “do-er,” and managing makes me feel like I’m doing, rather than “being done to.”

The thing is, though? I forgot how to breathe, how to embrace every moment, the joyous ones and the heart-breaking ones. I turned off my emotions so I could accomplish what needed to be done next.

As I prayed about my word for 2019, I sensed God giving me the word . . . 

As in to live in each moment. Through the calm times and the storm-tossed times.

There’s a place for managing in our lives, but it shouldn’t be our main method for getting through every season.

On December 31st, 2018, God showed me my verse for the year:

In learning how to choose Hope in 2018, I had to choose to look to Jesus—to trust Him—when life’s storms sent waves cresting across my days. 

I sense the Lord will continue to give me opportunities to practice keeping my Hope in Him as I also learn how to Live fully in each moment. I suspect I’ll be learning how to trust Him when life’s storms come. And we all know, they will come.

I look forward to growing closer to the Lord, and maybe even reflecting Him more vibrantly to those around me as I learn how to live in every moment.

What about you? What do you like best about the beginning of a new year? If you focus on one word, what is your word for this year and what led you to it?

Click to Tweet: There’s a place for managing in our lives, but it shouldn’t be our main method for getting through every season.

I’m linking up with #RaRaLinkup and #TellHisStory.

37 thoughts on “2019: One Word”

    1. Lisa, you’re right. God does have a way of laying the exactly perfect word on our hearts. And I am certain I am going to learn more about living well and fully. 🙂


  1. Jeanne, it’s kind of interesting…I read this post, and was thinking about my One Word when I went outside.

    An I promptly slipped on a concrete porch step, Went flying, landed very hard, and I think my pelvis is fractured. Trying to walk it off but my right leg’s a bit un-cooperative. It thinks it’s drawn a bad poker hand, and wants to fold. 😀

    It could have been worse; I’ve made an effort to stay in shape, and was able to twist while airborne so I didn’t land on the steps, which would have been spectacularly bad. Just hit the concrete of the porch, which was really rather funny, as it leads me to my One Word:


    And the accompanying clip from Avengers: Infinity War


    1. Andrew, I cringed when I read of your spill! I am so sorry! I’ve been praying since I first read your comment last night. I know you must be in a world of pain. BOOM might not have been the word I would have picked after a fall like that… 😉 But, your sense of humor kind shows in this word choice. I am praying for you, my friend. And for Barb. I’m sure that was a hard thing to come home to.

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  2. Awesome post Jeanne. I am sorry your mom suffered such a fall and I will send a prayer up for her. But I have to say how blessed you are to still have your parents. May God wrap His arms around your family and keep you safe and well.


    1. Anita, thank you so much for your prayers! They are appreciated. And I am very thankful to still have my parents this side of heaven. I try not to take this gift for granted. Thank you so much!

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    1. Bev, I loved your Bible quote. Yes, God wants us to live in the abundant life He’s given us. Which we can do best when we walk closely with Him. Thanks for those cheers! 🙂


  3. I’m going to ignore Andrew’s image above…he is a crazy man, isn’t he? He definitely needs to avoid the BOOMS. My word was grace until my good, good Father said it was FAVOR with grace in the wing. (Yes, I’ve been studying my Enneagram!). So, favor it is. Psalm 5.12 and Psalm 90.17(ESV). LIVE is a great word and an excellent focus for you this year. xo

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    1. Susan, what a beautiful word! Favor. I look forward to reading what God shows you about this word this year! And those verses . . . such good ones. I suspect God has growing and good things to show each of us with our words.


  4. I, too, am a one-word gal. My 2019 word is FIT, as in Luke 9:62, “fit for service in the kingdom of God.” It goes beyond physical fitness (which is indeed part of the plan) to emotional and spiritual fitness. I had to laugh when I read the Message Bible’s wording of the verse: “No procrastination. No backward looks. You can’t put God’s kingdom off till tomorrow. Seize the day!” God’s got my number; my procrastination has got to go.

    Seize each day in 2019 my friend. LIVE them well.

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    1. Shirlee, what a great word, and what a wonderful focus for it! And your verse . . . yes. Many places to focus on being fit. I will be working to become more intentional about working out too. Thank you for sharing your words here!


  5. Jeanne, it is amazing how God brings the one word we each need for the year ahead. This year my word is “Fruit” as my desire is for Him to produce in me the fruit of His Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). May this be a year of continued growth in the Lord for us all! Blessings!

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    1. Joanne, this is such a great word. It will be exciting to see how God grows fruit in and through you this coming year. Yes, may we all be continually growing closer to our Father!


    1. Thank you, Michele. I have no doubt God will teach me a lot about LIVE this coming year. He’s already giving me some practice. Shocking, isn’t it, that He’s already getting to work in me? 😉

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  6. God gave you hope to hang on to through all your trying circumstances in 2018. He sure does know our pathway doesn’t He? I opened my bible to Psalm 16 and just further down in vs 8 is “I will not be shaken.” To live is to know He secures us no matter if the ground around is shaking! He counsels (v7) and even at night, instructs us when we do life with Him. Ha! Beautiful. Thanks for pointing me to this verse today!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lynn, I am going to study all of Psalm 16. It has so much for me to ponder regarding my word. And I like vs 8 too. We need to remember that when we are rooted in God, we will not be shaken. Thanks for that reminder. Loved your words here!


  7. Jeanne, I love that beautiful pic of you and your mom … I’m so glad she was able to be at home for Christmas Day. “Live” is a great word for 2019, especially in light of all you’ve been through in the last year. I will try to email soon … until then, you are in my thoughts and prayers, my friend.


    1. Thank you, Lois. We were all so glad that she came home Christmas morning! God is always faithful. And He will always teach us, if we are open to His meddling in our hearts and our lives. I will look forward to your email . . . whenever you are able to write it. 🙂


  8. I love this word, Jeanne! It reminds me of 2 Peter 1:3 – ‘His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.’ May you live life to the full in 2019. Blessings!


  9. so sorry to hear about your sweet momma! It’s wonderful that you can be there for her when she needs help. “Live” is s wonderful word to focus on this year. I will look forward to reading your thoughts on the subject! Happy New Year, Jeanne!


  10. My word for 2019 is “trust.” No matter what this year may bring, I will not lean on my own understanding, but trust fully in my Lord. Proverbs 3:5 is my verse for the year.


    1. Jeanna, that’s a great, hard, brave word. And your verse is perfect! It’s one of my favorite. Learning to trust fully in the Lord is something that leads to deeper intimacy with Him, don’t you think?


  11. I’m sorry about your mom’s accident but I’m glad she was able to be home for Christmas Day and I love the picture of the two of you! I also love your word for the year. Living in the moment is something I could do better at too so I look forward to reading more about what you learn this year. My word for 2019 is Truth.


    1. Thank you, Lesley. We were soooo glad she came home on Christmas! Living in the moment—really living—is such a challenge for me. I’m curious to see how God will teach me the balance between managing and living (also trusting Him) in this coming year. I like your word for the year!


  12. You had quite a memorable 2018 for many different reasons. It sounds like Hope was the prefect word for last year. But God’s goal in our lives is to keep us growing closer to Him so your word “live” is the perfect compliment to your word from last year. I pray you find a renewed sense of being in the moment and being able to breathe deep in this new year.


  13. I love your word, Jeanne. Though I don’t choose a word of the year anymore, living in the moment is also a desire of my heart. To open my eyes more to the beauty God gives each day. As always, your lovely nature photos refresh my heart. The one of you and your mom is so sweet. It makes me smile. 🙂 I hope she continues to recover! Love and blessings to you!


    1. Thank you, Trudy! I suspect living in the moment is something most of us in this age struggle to do. I love your desire to see God in your every day, find His beauty by looking for Him. 🙂 I saw my mom yesterday. She’s walking with a cane now, which is great progress!

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  14. Oh, Jeanne … you and your mama have the same dazzling smile … and yes, I see the hope in your eyes and in your faith story.

    Hope doesn’t disappoint. His Word says that. And that truth we yearn for, we cling on to …


  15. Oh, yeah. So busy trying to survive that you forget how to live. I relate to that, big time.

    My word for the year is “truth” and my verse is Psalm 25:5. I think what you’ve written here goes along with that. The truth is that I can’t control everything, or even anything outside of my reactions to events. And I can only have positive, healthy reactions if I am dwelling in His truth, via His word and His presence. In that, is life.


    1. Hey friend, I love your word for the year. And that psalm? Yeah, I love that too. As I’ve tried to define my word for how the Lord showed it to me, truth, savor and a few other synonyms have come to mind. I love the truth you’re learning to live out. Thank you for sharing your wisdom here!


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