Faith, God's Love, Hope

Love: The Power of Three Words


+Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

“You are loved”

The man stood at the roundabout as we headed into the school, holding a sign with these three words.

One boy’s first comment was, “Oh no. What happened now? They always have those signs out after something bad’s happened.”


He has reason to think this. Three suicides are woven into the fabric of our school’s story.

Sometimes, we just need to be reminded that we are loved, even when nothing bad has happened. Every one of us holds regrets in our hearts.

The man stood there, a quiet smile on his face, ball cap on his head. It was as if he yearned for the students and parents driving into the school to see these three words. To believe them.

“You are loved.”

The words bring tears to my eyes.


I yearn for this too. For our boys to walk in the truth that they are loved. For the teens at our school, and in our community. And across our country.

I yearn for them to know how much they are loved. To find comfort. To grasp the hope in these three little words.

When hopelessness moves in and takes up residence in our hearts, we forget the bigger truths. We see the small temporary mistakes, we hear the lies glibly spoken over us . . . and we let their meaning color the way we view ourselves.


When the world conveys messages of belittlement, that they—that we—are “less than,”—we need to know . . . You Are Loved.

Powerful words, these. When we’ve blown it and hot condemnation is blowing down our necks…

“You are loved.”

When we’ve made big life-impacting mistakes…

When we’ve sliced someone’s confidence with harsh words…

“You are loved.”


There is nothing we can do that will cause God—Creator of the universe, Crafter of every aspect of who we are—to stop loving us. When we can embrace this truth and walk in it, even in our messy seasons, we can learn to walk in God’s grace.

God always loves us.

Yes, we may face consequences for our actions.

Yes, we may suffer fallout from our choices.

But God always, always loves us.  And those closest to us often love us. And God never, ever leaves us.

“You are loved.”

This may look like forgiveness from God and from others. It may look like a hug. It may shine through someone’s eyes when we make things right with them. Or when they tell us they love us.


“You are loved.”

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Especially that voice that whispers lies in our thoughts. Instead, hold onto these three words:

You are loved.

What about you? How have you seen God’s love for you in your life? What is the strongest truth God has spoken to your heart?

Click to Tweet: Three words we all need to hold onto

Today I’m linking up with Holly Barrett’s Testimony Tuesday and Kelly Balarie’s #RaRaLinkup

20 thoughts on “Love: The Power of Three Words”

  1. Wonderful post, Jeanne, and the pictures are a terrific fit. You have a talent I envy, and a faith I admire.

    When I feel that God’s love is far away…and sometimes, yeah, in all the pain it does feel that way…I just make up my mind to love HARDER. Love Barb, love the dogs, love my readers.

    And love the sometimes hidden presence of God in my days.

    It may be circumscribed by pain and fatigue, it may be shuddered about by dark terror (like today), it may be soaked in the vile poils of humiliation, but if I don’t love my life, who will?

    “I am loved” is cool, but “I choose to LOVE!” is vital.


    1. I love your outward shift when the pain strikes hard, Andrew. Choosing to love harder is a powerful, life-infusing way to get your eyes off of what you’re dealing with. You’re right, choosing to love is vital. Thank you for that truth.


  2. Beautiful post, Jeanne. We need to remind ourselves that we are loved perfectly and fully by our God. There is nothing that can diminish His love for us. May we not only receive His love for us but continually be conduits of His love towards others. Have a wonderful Tuesday!


    1. You’re so right, Joanne. Sometimes, it’s easy to be so sucked in by the darkness or discouragement, that we can’t see the truth that we are loved. We do need to reminder ourselves we are loved perfectly and fully by our God. And yes, may we both receive His love for us and be that conduit of His love toward others. I love that charge. Thank you so much for stopping by!


  3. It’s amazing the impact those three little words can have. And I agree, I think we constantly need the reminder, not just when something bad has happened and the ordinary days too. It’s lovely that that man took the time to do that for the students. I love the pictures you’ve put with your post too!


    1. Lesley, we do constantly need the reminder that we are loved. Between the lies the world tells us and the lies we tell ourselves (especially after we blow it in some way), it’s easy to brush that truth aside. After driving that cul-de-sac for two years (and counting), this was the first time I saw that man. I hope he comes back and shares his message again. Thank you so much for your encouragements.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Cool that your pictures find ‘love’ all around! Oh yes, and our God does love us! Oh how He does love us! May knowing that blessing fill you and your family all week, every day, every hour, every moment! I love you!


    1. Isn’t it amazing to see the depth and passion of God’s love for us when we stop to look for Him in our days, Mom? Thank you for your prayer. I love you, too!


  5. I love what Joanne said: and the truth is that if we are grounded in that perfect love, we are more available to give AND to receive the love of others. Thanks, Jeanne, for this lovely post (and for all the heart pictures!).


  6. This brings tears to my eyes, Jeanne. Oh so true. There are so many hurting souls that need to hear those three words. It’s wonderful what that man with the sign was doing. Kids certainly can never hear it enough. Thank you for this hope-filled post. As always, I love your photos, too. They also breathe of hope. Love and hugs to you!


    1. Trudy, there are many, many hurting souls that need the reminder that they. are. loved. No matter what. No matter what the world or their “friends” or anyone/anything else tells them. My prayer is that the students at our school will embrace this truth and remember it when the hard days come. Thanks for your words of encouragement, my friend!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Absolutely love how that man blessed you and others that saw his sign on the street corner. It’s in these small, daily miracles that God shows He loves us, isn’t it? I think one of the strongest truth’s God has spoken to me is “just let me love you.” I was under a lot of condemnation and living a lifestyle that I know didn’t honour Him yet he whispered “just let me love you.” I think I might have the topic for my next post now…:) Have a wonderful day as His beloved, J.


    1. Yes, Lynn. It is in the small daily miracles where God’s love sometimes shows itself most clearly. I love that truth God has been speaking to you. It’s easy to resist His love. Especially when we consider ourselves unworthy.
      Thank you for sharing the words He’s given you! I’m always thankful for your words here, friend.


  8. I love this, Jeanne … the man holding the sign. This reminds me of the moving, Facing the Giants, where an elderly man walked the school’s halls, placing his hand over the kids’ lockers, and praying … praying for revival in hearts. ❤


    1. Oh, Shelli. I had forgotten about that scene! I LOVE that one! It’s such a visual for remembering to be more intentional about praying for my boys, and their classmates. Yes, praying for revival in hearts. That’s one of the best things to pray for the “kids” of this age.

      Thank you for sharing, my friend!


  9. This is one of my favorite posts of yours. What a treat to know we are loved no matter what. One sign outside school changed your day and caused you to pause and think. Just imagine if we said those words to others more often than not. We also could change someone’s day.

    You have a gift of sharing tenderly just when I need to hear it the most. I pray we all hear “you are loved” many times this week. Blessings on your week!


    1. Awww, thank you, Mary, for your kind words. It’s amazing how three words on a sign can make a person think. And when we speak words that make another person think, and perhaps reevaluate their perspective, that is powerful, isn’t it? I agree. I hope we do all hear “You are loved” this week! I hope your week is a great one!


  10. This is profound, Jeanne: “There is nothing we can do that will cause God—Creator of the universe, Crafter of every aspect of who we are—to stop loving us.” I tell my girls that there’s nothing they could ever do to make me stop loving them, and I feel like I mean it. But I KNOW God means it, and nothing is better than that! You are loved, my friend!


    1. Lois, you and I share the same message with our children. I’ve said those words to our kids many times. It’s even more amazing when we know that’s how God loves us, isn’t it? May your girls continue to hear and embrace those words. And may you know just how loved you are too!


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