Enough, Five Minute Friday scribblings, Trusting God

More: When God Says Enough


+Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

Our Five Minute Friday prompt this week is—MORE. This largely unedited “rough draft” form of writing stretches this perfectionist, in the best of ways. I write for five minutes on a given topic. If you’re interested in learning more about 5-Minute Fridays, check out our hostess, Kate Motaung’s site. Or, click on the link at the bottom of this post. As you read my simpler Friday posts, I hope you’ll join in the conversation!


Before we had children, I begged God for one. In His timing He gave us our first son. Then I prayed for more. I was pushing thirty-eight when our second was born, and I wanted more.

It had taken years for God to open the door to parenthood, and I wanted as much—as many children—as He would give me.
My husband, on the other hand, said two was enough. We were asked to pray if we would take triplets. We prayed, and God showed me exactly what my husband would say, and how I should answer. His answer to me?

Trust Me to give you Enough.

So I did. And we have two amazing, fabulous boys. And they are enough. Perfect for our family.

How many other times have I asked God for more? Sometimes I ask out of fear because I don’t want to not have enough of something. Some material thing, or some credit gained, or some recognition of some sort.

Most times, God’s idea of “enough” and mine are different. Shocking, I know.


I’m discovering that God wants me to trust Him to know when I have enough. Whether it’s finances, and covering the increasing costs for boys in sports, band, and other activities. Or it’s the opportunities to write, or to mentor others. Or that desire for more time.

Isn’t that something we all want more of???

Instead of asking for more, I’m learning to trust God to give me enough. I pray my desire to Him, and I let it rest in His hands. He knows how much of everything I need.

What I want more of right now is Jesus. More time in His word.

Closer communication and intimacy with Him.

I want to walk more like Him through my days.

I want more of Him to reflect through me.

I want more of His wisdom to handle the daily decisions, confrontations with teens, and situations that come up.


I want to be more like Jesus in how I speak, how I act, in how I respond to those who are closest to me and those who people my world.

Somehow, it think that may be a prayer God will give me more of.

What about you? How do you handle the quest for more versus God’s saying “you have enough?” What do you want more of when it comes to your relationship with Jesus?

Click to Tweet: My idea of Enough and God’s can be different

Hop on over to Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Friday offering—More

34 thoughts on “More: When God Says Enough”

  1. Beautiful post, Jeanne, and the heading picture is so charming!

    I realized awhile back that my looking for ‘more’ was for more chances to bleed out for others. Nothing noble about it, but someone had to be willing. May as well have been me.


    1. Thank you, Andrew. I think your thought of bleeding out for others and the sentiment that underlies that is powerful. The way you have uplifted others through your words has been an amazing way of being “more” for those in your community. I am so thankful for you.

      And, I continue to pray for you.


  2. Your list of your wants are full of items that bring so much! I have wrestled with the knowing that God has already given me all I need, and do not need more to be good enough to walk in the path He has me in presently. So often I think I need more before I can take that next step, forgetting that He always gives us all we need!


    1. Lynn, it’s a perspective shift to understand that God has already given us all we need. But Peter does talk about that in 2 Peter 1 (verse 3, I think). I love what you said about how God has given us all we need to walk in the path He’s laid out for us. “He’s given us all we need.” SO true. Saying a prayer for you today!


  3. nicely written, to find the enough… is enough, but yet …. your mores are in keeping with God’s call upon each of us. 🙂 I LIKE IT! 🙂


    1. Carolina, thank you for your kind words. We all have a story with lessons learned, don’t we? I’ve discovered that there’s always something more I need to learn to trust God with. I don’t think I’ll ever quite arrive in the Trust department. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting!

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  4. Jeanne,
    Maybe it’s in our DNA to always want “more” of the good stuff. I love how you shift from what You wanted more of to what God wanted “more” of from you – time, love, devotion…. because He knows it will bless us. Great post!
    Bev xx


    1. Bev, I think you may be right. Isn’t God amazing in that He wants more of what’s best for us? Now, if we can only see everything in our lives with that perspective. 🙂 I hope you have a great weekend, friend!


  5. Thank you for sharing these beautiful thoughts with us. Oh how often we miss the beauty in what God gives us because we are looking for more instead of finding all the joy and contentment in what He has given us. thank you for sharing with us! (Stopping by from FMF)


    1. Rachel, it’s so good to see you. 🙂 Yes, we can definitely miss God’s beauty and His gifts when we’re busy looking for more of what we think we need. May we both find joy and contentment in what God’s given us! Have a joy-filled weekend!


  6. Thanks for sharing. Quite often I offer a prayer that says, ‘Lord you know what I really need.’ I’ve been in a Bible Study on Philippians this year, and am enjoying digging deeper into contentment, single mindedness, and the concept of ‘enough’. Enjoy your family this weekend!


    1. Joyce, that sounds like a great Bible study! Philippians is one of my favorite books of the Bible. It sounds like you’ve learned some amazing lessons! Have a great weekend!


  7. As I read this, I am humbled, Jeanne. So often I want better health and energy, but you have reminded me that even in that area, God has given me enough. He gives sufficient grace. Like you, most of all, I want more of Jesus. As always, I love your photos. You and your boys look so happy and blessed. 🙂 Love and hugs to you!


    1. Trudy, I believe it’s too easy to see what we perceive as lack and miss out on all that God has provided, including in our healthy, right? May we both be intentional about seeking more of Jesus. The picture was taken near Lake Erie last summer. 🙂 Have a wonderful, Jesus-filled weekend, my friend!

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  8. I like your point about how wanting more can mean we are afraid we won’t have enough. It seems to me that fear is a huge issue for many people. And of course faith is the antidote, but I find faith a constant challenge. I suppose I need to ask for “more” of it as the father of the epileptic boy asked Jesus. Thanks for writing this post; I appreciate it. That’s also a really nice picture of you and your sons!


    1. Jeannie, I agree. Fear is a huge issue for many people. Faith seems to grow in a series of step-by-step choices, doesn’t it? God allows us into situations where we have to choose fear or faith. Or faith in spite of fear. I find myself praying that God would increase my faith as well. I so appreciate your insights! Have a great weekend!


    1. Tara, I’m blessed that God gave you hope through this. I know the waiting, especially for a heart’s desire to be filled (and especially when we yearn to be a wife and mom!) can be so hard. I’m praying for you this weekend, friend!


  9. Beautiful post. I’ve been there wanting just one child and He gave us two when I was 29 and 31 after 6 miscarriages. We walked thru the same things with our daughter and DIL so I know God is teaching us thru children to trust and His miracles. Our DIL had 5 or 6 miscarriages – one set was twins and it was a long time coming for our grandchildren. We have been blessed with 5 now and the one that lost twins was blessed with twin boys in March. Love your post today.


    1. Going through miscarriages is so painful! I’m sorry you dealt with them and that your daughter and DIL have as well. But what a beautiful testimony that you now have FIVE grands! Your sharing that your son and DIL were blessed with twins again made me tear up. God sure has ways of filling those empty spaces in our hearts and lives, doesn’t He? I’m so glad you shared a piece of your story here. Thank you!


  10. “God wants me to trust Him to know when I have enough.” — powerful! It removes all the striving and doing and brings rest…thought-provoking! Thanks!


    1. Amy, it seems God has creative ways of teaching us to trust Him with all of ourselves. And yes, when we trust Him and His provision (and timing), rest replaces striving. I love that you made that connection. Thanks so much for stopping by!


  11. Trusting that GOD has given me enough is so difficult. it definitely doesn’t come easily either to my personality or to my person in this culture! i constantly struggle to remember this fact…that GOD has given me enough compared to the resources i have available. i guess that’s one of the reasons He talks about contentment in His Word! it doesn’t come naturally to us doesn’t it? i’m at 51 (i think). have a great week:)


    1. Martha, if it makes you feel better, I struggle with trusting God has given me enough too. I know He’s provided above and beyond for my material needs. Sometimes, it’s the other “stuff” I struggle with. I need that perspective shift to see things in a different light. And yes, contentment. I think that quality is going to be a life-long learning lesson for me. 🙂


  12. “Sometimes I ask out of fear because I don’t want to not have enough of something.” Yes, I am always thinking ahead. My personality is such that I find comfort in knowing what’s ahead. Because of a series of unexpected seasons leaving me void of comforts and scraping for “enough”, I fear the unknown. Yet, God never failed to provide. So, it’s a matter of trust. Ann Vos Kamp, in her book The Broken Way, notes that Jesus gave thanks for the bread before he broke it and made it abundant. She says that the giving thanks reminds us that what God gives us is enough. The multiplication of the bread comes after the thanks. I’m #4 this week.


    1. Stephanie, sometimes it’s that “thinking ahead” that gets us into trouble, isn’t it? I’m a big planner too. God is helping me to learn to trust Him both in this moment and that He will meet me in each future moment with “enough.” May we both be intentional about giving thanks, my friend.

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  13. Ah, what a question to ponder. I want to hunger after God more and after my desires less. It’s a habit I have to form, because it sure doesn’t come easy!


    1. Anita, I want to hunger after God more too. Sometimes I’m a little ADD when it comes to things and . . . well more things. I will work alongside you to form habits where I want things less and God a whole lot more.


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