Enough, Faith, Five Minute Friday scribblings

Enough: Hurrying Toward . . . What?

+Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

Five Minute Friday prompt this week is—ENOUGH. This largely unedited “rough draft” form of writing stretches this perfectionist, in the best of ways. I write for five minutes on a given topic. If you’re interested in learning more about 5-Minute Fridays, check out our hostess, Kate Motaung’s site. Or, click on the link at the bottom of this post. As you read my simpler Friday posts, I hope you’ll join in the conversation!


I checked my watch as I buzzed past some woman on my way into the grocery store. If I hurried, I had just enough time to grab the few items for dinner before I rushed to the carpool lane to pick up a boy (where, incidentally, I would wait for fifteen or so minutes).

Funny how I rush around sometimes, trying to bleed every possible thing out of each moment.

To be productive.

To get that one more thing done before I rush off to do something else.

I end up dry.

Sad how I miss so much when I’m busy rushing from one thing to the next.

I miss those slow moments with boys.

I miss sunsets that color the sky in glory.

I miss glimpses of God’s fingerprints in my days.


What if enough looked more like me taking moments slower? What if I chose to live in one moment—each moment—rather than trying to cram a few moments into one? What if I stopped multi-tasking and began cherishing the now?

Funny how “enough time” might look more like less accomplished, but richer moments.

There are times—seasons—when I will have to rush. It’s my season of life with two boys in sports and school and concerts and the end of the academic year parading itself onto my calendar.

But not every day, not every moment has to be crammed chalk full of completing my to-do’s. I need times where just being in the moment is enough.

Somehow, I think those moments will be the most refreshing ones. The ones that strengthen me for the inevitably busy hours.

Some moments will be busy, but they don’t all have to be.

Some moments it’s enough to just sit with God, coffee in hand and Bible in lap. It’s enough to just watch the sunrise or the sunset and the splashes of brilliance God paints across the sky.

It’s enough to find joy in the way God shows His love through color and hugs and laughter and quiet.

Enough isn’t found in busy. It’s found in savoring.

What about you? Where do you find “enough” in your days? How do you make time for stillness in your busy seasons?

Click to Tweet: What if Enough looks more like taking moments slower?

I’m linking up with Kate Motaung over at Heading Home. Five Minute Friday: Enough

34 thoughts on “Enough: Hurrying Toward . . . What?”

  1. Jeanne,
    oh yes. Frantic productiveness and efficiency-driven living wear out a momma for certain! And what do we have to show for all of it? Weariness. Frazzled, not joyful hearts.
    Thank you for reminding me to hit “pause” sometimes and just be in the moment.
    As a school teacher this year, that academic calendar only has 9 weeks on it and I’m feeling the acceleration of time! I need His perfect peace. I need to focus on His words.
    Thank you. 🙂
    (linked up at #5 tonight)


    1. Yes, Tammy. I’ve been battling the frazzled heart lately. Trying to get a handle on the busy-ness is harder than I thought. You and I can keep reminding each other to hit “Pause” from time to time. Nine weeks! I know that’ll fly by for you and your students (though they may beg to differ…. 😉 ). Saying a prayer for you in the midst of your busy, friend.

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  2. Loved this, and the pictures are terrific. You’re so talented!

    I have to admit to a bit of a dichotomy; there were parts of my life in which the rush was the fulfilling, close-to-God part. I felt that I was exactly where I was supposed to be, doing a difficult job quickly, effectively, and righteously. It is perhaps, like riding the tube on a longboard on the Pipeline, only with people shooting at you. That kind of focus in which everything falls away. Does that make sense?


    1. Thanks, Andrew. The pics are from when we were in Estes Park for Spring Break. We had a couple of stunning days weather-wise. Yes, your words make perfect sense. There are definitely those times when things feel crazy in the moment but they’re going exactly as they should, and we are exactly where He wants us to be. And I must ask, have you ridden a longboard on the Pipeline? 😉 I’m sure it was a blast!


      1. Estes Park! I was there as a high school senior for a retreat for church and again as a college student with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
        Oh Jeanne, we’re so so so bonded! 😀


  3. Jeanne,
    I love the word savor! This morning the sunrise called me to stand on my back porch and savor the show God was putting on with the sunrise. There will never be another one exactly like it. I wonder how many “once in a lifetimes” I miss by rushing to and fro. Joining with you in slowing down to savor these God moments.
    Bev xx


    1. Bev, I’m coming to see more and more of the beauty of the word Savor. I always try to remind myself of what you said, each sunrise only comes around one time . . . ever. It kind of puts things into perspective, doesn’t it? I’m afraid I’ve missed many “once-in-a-lifetime” moments because I was more focused on rushing than on looking around me. I hope you find many God-moments in your weekend, friend.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Savior is Savor with an I added.
        I’m sure this means something, but not sure what. It just stood out to me when you all were writing about savor….and I misread it…. 🙂


      2. I love your observation about Savor and Savior. 🙂 It’s such a good thing to ponder. When we take moments to savor, I wonder if that can be an act of worshiping our Savior? Thank you so much for stopping in!


  4. Enough is taking time for people in our lives. Savoring that glorious sunset after the picture is captured ensures enough. Sharing it with others fills and fulfills. Good word Jeanne!


    1. Susan, those are both great disciplines!! I’m working on implementing both of those in my life . . . but it’s more sporadic than I like right now. 😉 Have a great weekend!


  5. Love this, Jeanne. I’m learning to just sit and BE. That I don’t need to multi-task, that I can be in the moment. With the girls, with whatever task I’m doing, with God. Thank you for this reminder!


    1. Annie, just BEing with your girls is giving each of you a priceless gift. They really are only little for a little while. As mine run pell-mell into their teenage years, I find myself looking back at pictures of when they were little and missing who they used to be. In some ways, I should have savored more of those moments. Good for you learning to savor all your moments. You set a great example for us all!


  6. What a great reminder! We all need to remember to take some time to just be. I am taking some time to just savor this afternoon. Listening to podcasts, reading, enjoying this glorious day. I’m over in the 39 spot this week.


    1. Tara, I’m so glad you had some time to relax and savor! I hope you enjoyed all the “relaxful” things you got to do! I’m trying not to be too envious right about now. 🙂 Have a great week, friend!


  7. that’s a hard one eh? Where do you find “enough” in your days? How do you make time for stillness in your busy seasons? Stillness.. if I’m honest… comes in the holding of a baby rabbit… and then in the quiet smile of a hubby or a quick hug or thank you from a boy child. These are great gifts the Lord provided me… and I need to be thankful for them more often.


    1. Annette, I like where your stillness comes from. Some of my still moments come from those “small” things too. And remembering the gifts God has provided us is truly key, isn’t it? I’ll join you in choosing to be more thankful for them more often. 🙂


  8. There are seasons in parenting where it’s difficult to slow down, and then that speed becomes a habit. My girls are grown now and I am enjoying a more relaxed pace, but it’s taken some time to develop. I think too, as I’ve gotten older I’m so much more aware of the brevity of time. Thanks for sharing today. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


    1. Jo, I couldn’t agree with you more. I believe we are in the beginning stages of a new kind of busy. It’s going to be essential to find those moments when I can slow down and then DO it. 😉 I agree with you. We need to always remember we don’t know the number of our (and those we love) days. We should be intentional with how we spend each moment. Thank you so much for stopping by!


  9. Taking time to savour the small things: that can be enough. We need these moments of rest. Thanks for the reminder, Jeanne.


    1. We DO need those moments of rest. I think I’m going to have to learn how to find them in my days and not fill every moment with the never-ending to-do’s that haunt my thoughts some days. 🙂


    1. I think, Lisa, that you and I are in a similar season of mothering. Rushing seems to become a lifestyle, doesn’t it? Maybe we can encourage each other to take those moments we can to just breathe. May your week hold some of those moments in it!


  10. Jeanne, your words echo as I grapple with my body smacking me with a loud reminder to slow down last weekend. Too much to talk about here,but, it is such a challenge to be content with enough. Enough time particularly. It’s so easy to justify “good” choices such as church activities, leadership roles, even friendship investments. Yet, Jesus could not do everything at one time-only what God called him to do within the rhythm of his days and only for the purpose of bringing glory to God. So often, we jump into action without listening. Thanks!


    1. Stephanie, I hate to say this (ands I suspect you’re learning it right alongside me), but the older we grow, the more our bodies remind us of our limitedness and our need for rest. I know what you mean about justifying our “yeses” for things like church activities. I love your reminder that even Jesus couldn’t do everything at one time. He prayed and then prioritized. I think I need to learn that lesson a little better. Thanks for sharing your insights, friend!

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  11. so true! great post jeanne! the idea that we have to be busy all the time is crazy! i found that i was very unimpressed when i would ask people how they were and the answer was “busy.” What a boring answer. everyone feels busy, but not all are productively busy. it tells me nothing about the person…who they are, who or what they love, what their values are… without times of quiet thoughtfulness, we will never be able to find wisdom in our lives!


    1. I agree, Martha. Our society encourages busyness. I’ve seen people use this as a way get out of dealing with internal things within them. I guess we can be externally productive but internally barren. Your last line resonated with me because it’s true. We can only find wisdom when we have times of quiet. Thank you for sharing your wisdom here!


  12. Such an important message. Especially this week, leading up to the cross of Christ. Good word, Jeanne 🙂


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