Five Minute Friday scribblings, Life

Weak: When We Are Weak


+Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

Five Minute Friday prompt this week is—WEAK. This largely unedited “rough draft” form of writing stretches this perfectionist, in the best of ways. I write for five minutes on a given topic. If you’re interested in learning more about 5-Minute Fridays, check out our hostess, Kate Motaung’s site. Or, click on the link at the bottom of this post. As you read my simpler Friday posts, I hope you’ll join in the conversation!


It’s been coming on for the past few months. Weeks of unending demands on my energy, my time, and my spirit have sapped strength right out of me.

Traveling, two surgeries (one for a son and one for me) two days apart, and life still doesn’t stop for recovery. Though my hubs has been wonderful.

I feel weak. I’m doing my best to do the important things . . .

Spending time with God.


Exercising (kind of).

Eating right.

Trying (and I emphasize trying) to get enough sleep.

Things keep sabotaging  my best-laid plans to do it all right.

I am so very weak.



God seems to be using this season in my life to draw me closer to Himself. We can do our best to take care of ourselves—all of ourselves—but that doesn’t guarantee we’ll walk through every season strong.

Some seasons are too demanding. We can’t face them in our own strength. Only with the help of Jesus.

When we can admit our weakness to the Lord, then He can strengthen us with His power, His love, His energy.

These are a few things I’m learning in my season of weakness:

  1. Bring our need before the Lord. Confessing honestly how desperately I need Him
  2. Do our best to take care of ourselves, but don’t rely solely on ourselves to get through these seasons. Only God can bring us through them well.
  3. Share our needs with friends who will pray for us. Some will help in other ways. One friend has sent an encouraging meme daily to lift my eyes to Jesus
  4. Being honest with others about our need gives them a chance to serve us, to bless us, and to remind of of God’s goodness. hoarfrost-pine-needles


It is true. When we are weak, and we walk with Jesus, then we are truly strong.

What about you? What has helped you through seasons of weakness? When has God met you in that weak place in a very real way?

Click to Tweet: Some seasons we’re just not strong enough to walk through on our own

I’m linking up with Kate Motaung’s Heading Home Five Minute Friday—WEAK

35 thoughts on “Weak: When We Are Weak”

  1. So very relevant for me this week. God has met my weakness by answering prayer about my husband’s job in a way that appears discouraging to the world but full of hope to me. We are released from stress, marital tension, time restraints and gifted with provision, time and restoration.

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    1. Stephanie, isn’t it amazing how God does that? How He gives peace and rest in seemingly stressful circumstances? I’m glad you are released from stress. I’m praying for your family as you navigate this season. May He give you everything you need and more, friend!


  2. Love the raw honesty of this post, Jeanne. Great writing, and perfect pictures.

    I can’t say that I’ve ever experienced a season of weakness. It’s a failing; I had to develop a sense of physical and mental toughness very early. Admitting to any weakness, fear or doubt was quite dangerous.

    It must make me extremely irritating to live with, because that manner sets up an implicit competition, and people around me are soon, as Jim Morrison sang, “…lost in a Roman wilderness of pain…” (I suspect that song,”The End” by The Doors, was rather before your time!)

    My heart has been gentled of late, but weakness still isn’t allowed in, which is a pity, for it is rare blessing to bestow on another, to allow her or him to be strong in one’s stead.


    1. Thank you, Andrew. You’ve lived a unique life, beyond hard in many ways. We each learn to adapt in our individual ways. I’ve seen the gentling of your heart through your words and interactions over the past few years. And you’re right, it is a blessing you can give others when you allow them to be strength for you. I continue to pray for you, friend.


  3. It’s not always easy to be honest about our weaknesses but it shows strength when we do,. In our willingness to admit our need- of God and of others- it allows God’s strength to work in us. Praying you know his strength today.


    1. You’re right, Lesley. Sometimes it’s downright hard to be honest aobut our weakness. As a self-proclaimed self-suffiency loving woman, sharing weakness is hard. But, God has shown me beauty and depth that comes when I’ve done it. Yes, when we are willing to admit our need, god’s strength works in us. Thanks for those prayers!!

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  4. Great words Jeanne! Love the list at the end. Asking for prayer, asking for help and relying on God are the things I need to do but I’m not very good at sometimes. Have a great weekend!


  5. Things keep sabotaging by best laid plans…. Yep. This is so true for me, too. And I’m learning that God has placed people in my life to help me through those times of frustration. I need to remember that God works through people, too! 😉 Thanks for this beautiful reminder!


    1. Annie, community is such a gift, isn’t it? I would have come through these past few months much more frazzled if I hadn’t had others lifting me up in prayer and through encouraging words. I always appreciate the things you add to conversations over here!


  6. I lift you up in prayer Jeanne, that like Paul~ indwelling God will bring beautiful peace to your soul and strength to your spirit. Allow these two to encourage your physical body to rest in Jesus’ rest.


  7. Thank you for being honest here, Jeanne. Such great advice! I’m so sorry you and your son both went through surgery and there is so much else wearing you down. May God give you daily strength and peace! I just finished reading a post and feel like I should share it with you. About just doing the next thing and not worrying about all that isn’t done or we can’t do. Have a blessed weekend! Hugs!


    1. Thanks, Trudy. Yep, I wouldn’t recommend to family surgeries in three days, but some times that’s how things work out. 🙂 God has been gracious to give me times to rest, a very helpful-oriented husband, and moments of quiet amid the crazy. Thanks for sharing the blog. I’ll check it out. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so right, Holly. We have to be willing to admit our weakness first. God is amazing how He works once we do this. The older I get, the more grateful I am that we don’t have to “do” this life alone. We are all on the mend. Thanks so much, Holly!


  8. Thank you for being so honest and vulnerable. Admitting your weakness is an immense sign of strength, as contradictory as it sounds. Praying you and your little one heal quickly. Thank you for sharing!!


    1. Sarah, you’re right. There are some beautiful contradictions in God’s way of doing things, aren’t there? My boy and I are both healing nicely. Thank you. And I’m so glad you stopped by!


  9. Your vulnerabilities, weaknesses can be our greatest strength. His strength is coming through you these days, I’d say Jeanne! I know I have a hard time asking for prayer, or for help even. Doing so not only allows another to use her/his gifts, but lets down my stubborn walls. Thanks for this reminder today.


    1. Lynn, your words are an encouragement. 🙂 I’m learning there are beautiful benefits to sharing our weak places with others. God’s way of bringing community around us in those weak seasons can be pretty amazing. And yes, those stubborn walls . . . they’re coming down. Brick by brick. 🙂


  10. It is that being honest with others about my weakness that has been my biggest struggle. Thank God, He is helping me through it.
    You wrote: We can do our best to take care of ourselves—all of ourselves—but that doesn’t guarantee we’ll walk through every season strong.
    I love this. It reminds me that truly we can never do enough, and we weren’t meant to. If we were, we wouldn’t need our Father in Heaven.

    Thanks Jeanne. Have a wonderful weekend.


    1. Kelly, it’s hard to be honest about our weakness. In a culture that exalts strength and independence, to admit weakness takes great humility. You’re so right. We never can do enough to be completely self-sufficient all the time. We need God, probably more desperately than we realize. 🙂 Thanks for sharing so honestly here.


  11. The hardest thing for me to do when I’m weak is to admit it to others and ask for help. I learned during Pedro’s illness, that my refusal to ask for help ended up making me weaker for longer. During Sarah’s trials, I had learned my lesson and I shared the burden with a few trusted friends whose prayer’s carried me through.


    1. I agree, Anita. It’s so hard to admit when we’re weak. To admit our vulnerabilities. It sounds like you’re walking out valuable lessons learned, and that’s a vital thing. I am thankful for trustworthy, praying friends, aren’t you? Thank you for sharing a bit of your story today.


  12. Hello friend. I’m learning to lean into Jesus when stress in my life overwhelms me. I give myself a time out too. I put on my relax music and make a cup of tea. I’ve had the privilege of meeting with some really wise, older than me(wink wink)women who help me find my way. Thank you for being real. So refreshing to read your blog. TAke care. Blessings on your day.


    1. Awww, Gail. I’m so glad you stopped by! Giving yourself a time out from the stress is always a good thing. Tea and being able to talk with those who have gone a few steps before us is always refreshing. And I often come away from those conversations feeling a little bit stronger, reinvigorated.


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