Busy-ness, Five Minute Friday scribblings, God

Listen: When We’re Busy


+Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

Five Minute Friday prompt this week is—LISTEN. This largely unedited “rough draft” form of writing stretches this perfectionist, in the best of ways. I write for five minutes on a given topic. If you’re interested in learning more about 5-Minute Fridays, check out our hostess, Kate Motaung’s site. Or, click on the link at the bottom of this post. As you read my simpler Friday posts, I hope you’ll join in the conversation!


When the end of May hit, I had this crazy notion that life would slow down. That our family would have time to hang out, talk, play games. Relax.

Well . . . not so much.

We raced through a lot in a couple months. I felt like I was constantly on the go.

I got to August and realized I had not spent the time with our boys that I had wanted to. I had been busy . . .

. . . planning for our road trip

. . . planning my parents’ anniversary party

. . . planning as my husband prepared to leave town for a few weeks

. . . planning for the start of school (August 18th).

I hadn’t taken time to slow down and listen to them.

And, as August marched on, I hadn’t even had much time to listen to my Father. To be still before Him and hear His words for me.

He has ways of speaking anyway.

There was a niggling in my spirit. Some things I sensed He wanted to address with me.

But when was there time??

Nashville bridge at sunrise

When I went to the American Christian Fiction Writer’s conference (ACFW) in August, He spoke.

And I listened.

God shared some truths that I needed to hear.

As I came home from the conference and hit life full force again, I spent time journaling with the Lord, every chance I could.

I find that when I journal, I can listen to His words to me. I can begin to process them. Apply them.

I can begin to hear His voice more clearly.

So, that niggling is gradually becoming definite messages from my Father to me.

I’m so glad He always listens to me. He hears my heart’s cries and answers them. In His way. In His time.

When I listen to Him when I’m still before Him, I hear much more clearly.

But even when I’m not, He’s still hearing my heart, my thoughts.

He’s still working in my life. Reminding me just how much He loves me.

jer-29-12-copyIt’s always worthwhile to be still enough to hear His voice. His words. To experience His love poured out in His perfect way.

And as for my boys? I’m becoming intentional (again) to be available to just listen to them.

Just like my Father does for me.

What about you? When you’re racing in life, what do you do to listen to our Father? When has the Lord spoken to you in the midst of your busy-ness?

Click to tweet: He hears my heart’s cries and answers them.

I’m linking up with Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Friday—Listen

25 thoughts on “Listen: When We’re Busy”

  1. The first time God spoke to me, I was in an aeroplane. Flying as fast as the thing would go, as low as I could go, I managed to run into a couple of 250,000 volt main transmission lines. Oops.

    Large bang and flash, the windshield exploded,, and the plexiglas cut my throat. Oddly enough, we were still flying (tough little aeroplane!).

    And God said, “Is the rush really worth dying for?”

    And I replied, “Whoa, dude, that was COOL, let’s do it again.”

    God sighed.

    And I am still the same.

    #1 at FMF this week


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  2. Writing in a journal is an outlet for me, but I see how it is God working in me too. Sometimes I feel it is a not time well spent, and then I start to miss it (like currently) and will intentionally put it back into my day. Getting a hold of my schedule, figuring out what I should be spending time on is a challenge for me (and to not be pulled by what perceive society says is important), yet I have the answer if I just sit and let go, and listen and write. Thanks for this today J!


    1. Journaling is an outlet for me too, Lynn. I can always tell when it’s been too long between journal-sessions, because I have a disquiet inside. Yes, letting go of what we perceive others expect from us, being still and writing….a perfect equation. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Ah, yes. Journaling is my favorite way of listening to God. Another favorite way is to walk out in nature without a podcast blasting. Sometimes I see/listen. It’s a great way to quiet my thoughts and have it out with God over a thorny issue.


    1. I love to walk in nature too, Anita. Usually with a camera in hand. There’s something so peaceful about walking and listening . . . to the noises around me and to the Lord’s voice. 🙂


  4. August always surprises me with its lack of intention. It seems like it should be the slowest and laziest of the months…. I need the routine (often provided by the school year) to recalibrate – my eating habits, my life-giving habits, and my time with God. Thanks for this reminder.


    1. I like routine too, Annie. May these coming months find us both choosing wisely when it comes to our life-giving habits. 🙂 And, may we both have those times of rest in there too. 🙂


  5. Wonderful post! ACFW reminded me of the importance of journaling as a way to connect with God and hear His voice more clearly. It’s so easy to fill our lives with other, noisy things, isn’t it?


    1. Heidi, it IS easy to fill our lives with other noisy things. I’m working to bring a little more quiet into my days. It’s a deliberate act of the will! 🙂 I hope we can both find time for connecting with God through journaling.


  6. Oh friend… yes! (And me, too!) Summer… fast… putting off the slowing and the listening even though we know better, right? Praise God for His patience and for how He just always speaks and always listens!


    1. Yes, Karrilee, I find it too easy to put off slowing down and listening. It’s something God is working with me on. Yes! Thankful for God’s patience with me. 🙂 If He was the kind of listener I am sometimes? It would not be good. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by, friend!


  7. “Be still and know that I’m god!” So often we get so busy we forget to take the time to stop. I’m in the 56 spot.


  8. Love how God sought you out, Jeanne. He sure does pursue our hearts, again and again, doesn’t He? Oh I am often “too busy” too…but really when I get there I’m turning my busyness into an idol. Ouch. Thank you for your challenge and encouragement here.


  9. Beautiful, transparent post, Jeanne. Thank you. Just this morning I lingered in God’s Word, just to listen. What a treasure that is! I desire to do it more often, and push away the busyness of life. Always love your words, friend. Bless you!


  10. Jeanne, I totally get the good intentions being railroaded by life itself. Having made plans to rest from my usual blogging/writing activities for the summer, little did I know how busy I would become in other ways. Time spent caring for my husband after his spinal surgery soon ate up the hours. I’ve felt pulled every which way and found it harder than ever before to pause and listen to the things God wants to say to me. Thankfully, He finds other ways to gain our attention! But I think I will try keeping a journal again and see how it goes. Blessed to stop by your blog after my long break! xo


    1. Awww, Joy. That is an exhausting season. Helping your husband as he recovered from spinal surgery must have drained you some days! It’s interesting how God knows when we need a break. I think sometimes He prompts us to step back from our normal because He knows we’ll need that time for other things we haven’t seen yet, but He has. I hope your journaling time is fruitful and refreshing!

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  11. Love where you went with this. Incredible – God is always listening. He always knows why I do the things I do, why I say the things I say. He knows the motives, the fears, the desires. He hears the unhearable, the things I don’t even know or understand. And He loves me anyway. Incredible!


    1. I am so amazed and humbled when I realize God listens to me, even when I don’t deserve to have His attention. Even when I’m so busy I don’t stop to listen to Him. It’s a good thing He’s a faithful friend (unlike me sometimes!). I’m comforted knowing He hears the unhearable, and He loves us no matter what!


  12. I so appreciate your references to that “niggling” feeling. Wow, I think we can all relate to that. Such a good reminder to all of us busy moms to heed those nigglings, stop the franctic pace, and just REST, and BE, and LISTEN.
    May you have a restful and productive week.


    1. Yes, Shauna, we need to heed those nigglings. 🙂 Especially as moms, I think it’s so hard sometimes! Resting in Jesus, and having the space in our days to give our all to our kids is so important. Thanks for your thoughts! I hope your week is wonderful!

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