Five Minute Friday scribblings, Perspective, Trials

Find: Being Found

Psalm 139 moon shine

By +Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

Our Five Minute Friday prompt this week is—FIND. This largely unedited “rough draft” form of writing stretches this perfectionist, in the best of ways. I write for five minutes on a given topic. If you’re interested in learning more about 5-Minute Fridays, check out our hostess, Kate Motaung’s site. Or, click on the link at the bottom of this post. As you read my simpler Friday posts, I hope you’ll join in the conversation!


I was petty young the first time I hid on purpose. Not playing hide-and-seek, but really deliberately hid.

My sisters and I were at our cousins’ house. Someone had hurt my feelings, and so I decided to hide. They had a square brick column, maybe four feet high, that sat in the back alley. Back in the day, it’s where people dumped the ashes from their cooking fires. I shimmied in there and waited.

First, I hid because my feelings were hurt. Then, because I was mad, I decided to stay hidden. My aunt, cousins, called my name, waiting for me to respond. No one thought to look in the ash container. So I stayed.

Flower amid rock

After awhile, it grew lonely, and I got over my mad and came out. I didn’t want to be found, and I’d discovered the perfect hiding spot.

How many times have I wanted someone to find me? Those times when I felt invisible, unseen, insignificant? I wanted someone to find me, to affirm me. I admit, I still struggle with being an affirmation junkie.

Sometimes I’ve hidden to protect my feelings,my heart. But I longed to be found by someone.

God is so sweet. He tells us in Psalm 139 that He sees us in the light, He sees us in the darkness. The darkness is as light to Him. We may try to hide, but He always knows where to find us.

As I read this psalm again this morning, I realized He also finds us in the dark seasons of our lives, when circumstances threaten to overwhelm us. We may feel invisible to the world, to those around us. We may feel invisible to Him, whether we’re trying to hide or not. We may feel engulfed by life’s hard.

Butterfly on flowers

But He sees us. He finds us in our dark places. He finds us in the darkest of trials, and He sits with us, walks with us, leads us. He always knows where to find us.

Have you been found by Him lately?

What about you? When have you hidden successfully? When have you wanted to be found?

Visit Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Friday post—FIND

28 thoughts on “Find: Being Found”

  1. I had a bit of an unpleasant childhood, and got really, really good at hiding…by the time I as ten, I had acquired a pistol, and would disappear into the bush for days.

    But then I was found, spiritually, by an Orthodox Jewish family who took me in, and taught me their traditions. They would have adopted me officially if they could have done it, but those were the days in which getting a kid out of a bad place was really hard.

    And today, I have a mezzuzah on the doorframe, and generally live kippah and, when possible, kosher. It’s a matter of both respect and love.


    1. I love this glimpse into some of the people God used to shape you, Andrew. And that God brought an Orthodox Jewish family to take you under their wings. Sometimes those we call “family” are not blood relations, eh? Thank you for sharing this.


  2. As always, I love your response. I found Him in my deepest, darkest place and, in turn, I’ve found He has my back in my darkest places. I’ve had so many miraculously serendipitous encounters with Him that I now accept His presence without question. Incredible, really, for someone who spent 40 of her 41 years as a very spiritual, but not ‘religious’ being. Loved your post. Thank you!


    1. Helen, I always appreciate your candid comments. God does have a way of giving us eyes to see Him, even when we don’t yet know it’s Him operating in our lives. And accepting His presence without question is a trait some never quite learn in a lifetime. I’m praying for you, my friend!


  3. God does find us even in our dark times. God is really really good at being the seeker in the game of Hide and Seek. Parked over in the #16 spot this week!


  4. Jeanne – Thanks for sharing your story. Our natural instinct is to hide from God and others when we feel a disconnect in relationship. Praise God for always knowing where we are and that we can rest in His relentless pursuit. Loved your post, friend. Happy Friday!


    1. What a great way to put it, Karen. We tend to hide when we feel a disconnect from those we’re supposed to be in relationship with. It’s true! I’m so, so thankful for His relentless pursuit of me. And of all who He calls His own.


  5. I use to hide in a book. When life felt too hard, I would grab a novel and become a different person in a different place. Hours were spent hiding between the pages. But even there, God found me and gently led me back to my reality where He promised to stay with me always. I did not want to escape that. Now life with my loving Jesus is good even in the dark times, for He stays close to me and is my sturdy support walking me through my storms of the heart.


    1. I remember you reading, Mom. Seemingly oblivious to the world. 🙂 Books can be good escapes and hiding places, but sooner or later, we have to come out and face reality once again. 🙂 And thank goodness God is ready to meet us in our reality and walk right beside us through dark times.


  6. What a wonderful story full of illustrations and my favorite verses! I wanted to hide this week and never come out, I was so tired, frustrated, and mad about this whole blog setting up thing. But God. He told me to get back in there and I did. And He showed up. But not only that – He was right there with me, just like you said – He is so sweet.
    Lovely words, my friend!
    #52 today. 🙂


    1. Ahhh, Ruthie. I’ve had those weeks too. Where I get to Friday, and I’m weary, frustrated and discouraged. But God . . . He’s always with us. You’ll get it all figured out. It just may take a little while. I’ll pray for you today. And sending a virtual hug.


  7. Jeanne,
    oh my twin! Sulking and hoping they’d find me and “they’ll be sorry when they notice I’m gone”. 🙂 God DOES seek us out. And I’m an affirmation junkie too, so I thank you for feeding that small part of me so often.
    I’m reading “Breaking Up With Perfect” and I’m thinking I’ll be able to let go of some of that need…have you read it yet??
    You are one of the people in my post this week that “find” me. Thank you! I’m bringing up the caboose at #62.


    1. Thanks so much for the mention, Tammy. I love connecting with you each week!! 🙂 And yeah, it’s an ugly truth isn’t it? The fact that sometimes we sulk, and that we sometimes crave affirmation?

      I haven’t read that book yet! Thanks for recommending it. It sounds good. Have a great weekend, friend!


    1. Yes, Anita. He’s always looking for us and ready to meet our every need. I’m so, so thankful for that. I always appreciate your visits over my way. Have a great weekend!


  8. Jeanne, As an introvert I think I hide 95% of the time! But God found me and I am so over the moon glad He did – at just the right time! #32 at Kate’s #fmfparty


  9. I love how you used the prompt for YOU to be found instead of being the seeker! I can so relate to the “hiding” and the mixed feeling of wanting to be found and wanting to stay hid. It is such an encouragement to recognize that we are never hidden from God…no matter what pile of ashes we find ourselves in!


    1. Tammy, I’m glad I’m not the only one who hides with the hope of being found sometimes. And yes, there is great comfort in the truth that we are never hidden from God. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by!


  10. Nice post Jeanne,
    We often hide, right out in the open. We pretend to be who we are not, we just can’t bare the thought of others knowing that we are not whole. I suppose in a way that is good because instead of looking for answers from people, we instead in our secrecy end up looking to God…at least that’s how its been for me. Its a cleansing kind of thing and we should probably all go through it on occasion.


    1. So true, Gene. We do tend to hide right out in the open. I think it takes bravery to walk unhidden and imperfect in a world of people. And yes, when we choose to look to God rather than to people we can walk unhidden and in peace.


  11. Beautiful, beautiful, Jeanne. You’ve brought back a memory of mine, and you’ve reminded me how blessed we are to have been found by the One who holds us, close, forever. We never need to hide again. Thank you for gifting us with lovely pictures and words. The hidden flower is perfect.
    Blessings ~ Wendy


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