Five Minute Friday scribblings, Forgiveness, Relationship

Favorite: When Relationships Are Restored

Thistle in evening

By +Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

My Five Minute Friday prompt this week is—FAVORITE. This largely unedited “rough draft” form of writing stretches this perfectionist, in the best of ways. I write for five minutes on a given topic. If you’re interested in learning more about 5-Minute Fridays, check out our hostess, Kate Motaung’s site. Or, click on the link at the bottom of this post. As you read my simpler Friday posts, I hope you’ll join in the conversation!


Sometimes, to experience a favorite, I have to live through the hard.

It was a hard day with one of my littles. He got mad. Something set him off. Still not sure what.

We spent hours today going around and around. Him determined to trip my temper trigger. Me determined to show him grace . . . and discipline. By the time hubby got home. I. Was. Done.

I took a long walk on a trail I’ve never traveled before. With the evening light, God showed me glimpses of His beauty. He renewed my spirit and my perspective. He gave me lots of pretty things to take pictures of. Something that always lifts my heart.

Evening sun on water

By the time I got home, this little of mine was ready to talk  . . . and to ask for forgiveness. It’s these times of connecting that are favorites for me. There’s something about fellowship restored that touches a deep place inside.

I wonder if that’s how God feels when one of His kids comes to him, repentant and longing for fellowship restored? I’m so thankful that He’s quick to forgive. That His love is ever-there. That His loving-kindnesses are new every morning, and throughout every day.

My favorite times are connecting with others. Especially when relationships are restored. When I’ve had to ask forgiveness and then been given that gift? Yep, that’s something you can’t put words to.

Yellow wild flowers

Sometimes we have to walk through the hard things of life before we can really know . . . really embrace . . . our favorites. God gives us His beauty and his faithful love. He gives us the ability to forgive and have relationships restored. 

What about you? What is your favorite aspect about God? How do you walk out forgiveness?

Visit Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Friday post on Favorite to link up and read other great blogposts!

21 thoughts on “Favorite: When Relationships Are Restored”

  1. Oh yes. I am starting to see that forgiveness is sweet. It used to be hard for my pride to accept, but now I can feel the healing.

    One of my favorite things about God is His grace. That a God so utterly righteous extends grace to cover all of those times we fall short of what He would have us do is more than I can pretend to comprehend fully. But I know it’s beautiful.


    1. I agree with you, Amy. God’s grace is more than I can comprehend or deserve. And yet, He gives it to us, free for the asking. And even when we don’t ask. It is beautiful. Thanks so much for stopping by!


  2. My favourite aspect of God…probably His sense of humour, in creating the female Queensland Heeler.

    We think we’re in temporal control, when the Lady Heelers know that THEY run the whole show. Just ask my service dog, Ladron. She’s as bossy as a teenage Irishwoman, and that is saying a LOT.

    She also does not sleep at night, so she can monitor me…and if I look to doze off and stop breathing, she will do whatever it takes to wake me.


    1. I love what you chose as your favourite aspect of God. His creativity never ceases to leave me in awe. And, I love how He gave you exactly what you needed in Ladron. 🙂 God has a way of watching out for us. And what a great description you gave of female Queensland Heelers. You had me grinning.


  3. Hi Jeanne, what a beautiful story. Restored relationships! That is a favorite. My favorite characteristic of God is His amazing,lavish love. I love being His “favorite” daughter. Love knowing we’re all His favorites. #fmfparty


    1. I’m forever amazed at how much God loves us. He opened my eyes to that reality a number of years ago. I’m with you, I love being one of His favorite daughters. 🙂 My mom and I sometimes joke that about who’s His favorite. 🙂 I love knowing we’re all His favorites too. Thank you so much for stopping by!


  4. When relationships are out of whack, forgiveness is the key to restoration. That moment is almost magical in that all the turmoil will instantly disappear, but the one asking must have trust that forgiveness will always be granted. I’m impressed that your “little” was willing to ask, but my guess is that he has seen forgiveness role modeled in your family. He is in a safe haven and he knows it…just like us and our Heavenly Father. .


    1. So true, Joe. Forgiveness is the key to restoration. Your description is spot-on. How the turmoil disappears and peace replaces it. It takes a certain degree of humility to ask for forgiveness. And yes, the one asking must have trust that forgiveness will be granted. I never thought about that. I’m so glad you added to the conversation, Joe!


  5. Sharing hard times and our journey through them passes on grace. Thanks. I’m just thankful God renews when we are seeing dimly in the mirror. He renews His reflection in us. Thanks Lord.


  6. Love the image of God taking walk to cool off, too. 😉 My favorite aspect of God? The fact that he made us in his image and yet with such spirit. Makes me wonder how feisty he really is…. (Because, in reality, we live in a fairly tame world.) Glad you have spaces to explore, to cool off, and that you are teaching your kids what reconciliation and forgiveness mean. So inspiring!


    1. We do live in a tame world, Annie. 🙂 I imagine we only see a fraction of God’s personality. I do marvel that He created us in His image. As parents we teach by the ways respond to our kids when they are in their most sinful states. My prayer is that our boys sees Jesus in my husband and me, and that one day they will follow Him whole-heartedly. It requires humility on our parts. A willingness to let go of the anger we sometimes feel. Have a great weekend, my friend!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Beautiful words, Jeanne and as always the gorgeous photos to match. The temper trigger – oh yes, I have one of those too! 🙂 It’s such a wise thing to walk and wait. It’s a God thing to find restoration when we do. When it’s with the ones we would love regardless, its especially beautiful that God moves and works in those places, even in those hearts still growing to know Him. I think He definitely feels the same when we return to His wide open arms and seek His forgiving heart. Glad your day ended well, friend. Hugs!


    1. Thanks for your kind words, Tiffany. 🙂 I’m so glad that God moves and works in those hard places. A friend actually suggested I take a walk. And it was the best thing for me. That cooling off time and distancing myself from the hurt of the day renewed perspective, you know? I’m so glad that He’s greater than all our pain, and He loves us through hard times. And, He teaches us how to love, even when we’re hurt, doesn’t He? Have a beautiful weekend!


    1. Gloria, I think it’s amazing how God knows and made restoration the result of forgiveness. Us with Him, with each other, and within ourselves, so to speak. Thank you so much for stopping by!


      1. Tammy, I’m so glad we’ve “met.” I do believe we are kindred spirits. And yes, unreconciled relationships drain me faster than just about anything. I’m thankful God’s heart is for reconciliation, and that most relationships can be reconciled. Peace feels good doesn’t it? I’m thankful for you, my friend!


  8. Jeanne,
    how beautiful. And what a gift (though it probably didn’t feel like it at the moment) to have that moment of conflict (that snapped the back), that walk, and that reflective time. You took it and turned it into a most fragrant offering of God glory!

    “My favorite times are connecting with others. Especially when relationships are restored. When I’ve had to ask forgiveness and then been given that gift? Yep, that’s something you can’t put words to.”

    You and I really are so similar! Nothing is worse for me than unreconciled conflict! I long to be at peace with others.

    Heart sisters, truly. (Read my reply to your post over at tammysincerity.blogspot or click on #5 for a faster trip)


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