Dreams, Life, Living with Intention

Dreams: What Makes Dreams Come True?

Dreaming doing

By +Jeanne Takenaka @JeanneTakenaka

For years, I dreamed of writing a book. But, fear kept me from trying. Fear that I couldn’t be creative enough to come up with good plots and characters, or good enough to actually interest readers, or . . .

A few years ago, God gave me the first pieces of what would later become my first novel. Said novel is still sitting on a virtual shelf in my computer, but the fact is I wrote a book.

I did it.

I learned how to craft a story, how to create characters and I practiced. A lot.

I moved beyond fear and into a place of action. I’ve written two books since that one, and story ideas keep popping into my mind, waiting to be written.

Dreams can only become reality when we act on the dream. When we find out what we need to do and then do it.

Dream Room

I also love this quote, by Catherine Pulsifer over at Inspirational Words of Wisdom: “It may take a few more attempts, or many attempts but success is only achieved once dreams are put into action, where failure becomes the launching pad for smarter choices, or better action plans in future endeavors.”

Dreams achieved rarely come easily. We may (probably will) fail in the process, but let’s fail forward as we move toward making dreams reality. Let’s learn and change so that our dreams become more than just a nice thought in our heads.

I’m in Florida this week at a writer’s retreat, learning more about crafting stories. There’s always more to learn!

I’m keeping this short. What I want to know is, what is your dream? What’s holding you back? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

6 thoughts on “Dreams: What Makes Dreams Come True?”

  1. Good post, but a hard topic for me.

    I learned early in life never to share my dreams; in the environment in which I was raised, I’d be subject to ridicule and scorn. it didn’t matter what the subject was…if it was important to me, it had to be wrecked. I had to be set up to fail, and to be expendable.

    I survived; so did my dreams, but I never trusted them to anyone. And I still won’t, because no one, except me, really wants to hear about them – this comes from experience, and I’m tired of doing the tests to verify it, or try to show that it’s wrong. The most I might say is that “something seems to be worth doing”, and that’s it. usually, I won’t even say that. What’s the point?

    The dreams are worth pursuing because, even when held close, they still add to the positive energy in Creation. they’re gifts from the Almighty, and in that sense should not only be treasured, but protected as well.

    So I’ll go my own way, and if I ever fulfill a dream, the only outward sign will be a noncommittal, “yeah, ok, it worked”.


    1. Andrew, it’s never fair when adults are so cruel to children. Though I disagree with the idea that no one really wants to hear your dreams, I understand your reasoning for holding them close. I’m glad you still pursue them. And that God gives each of us dreams to protect and to pursue. I appreciate your perspective here.


  2. Good morning. I trust you and the others are having a fabulous time. Oh to be there!

    My dream: Be in an airport and notice someone reading my published book! And then, go up to that person and ask, “What do you think of that book?” And they say….”I can’t put it down! I wish I could meet the author!” Wouldn’t that be grand!
    I love Walt Disney’s quote…”Its kind of fun to do the impossible”
    Blessings to you


    1. Gail, I love your dream. So fun! I’ll look forward to holding one of your books in my hands one day. 🙂 And that quote by Walt Disney? Love it. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!


  3. Here’s to pursuing dreams!! Can’t wait to read your published words, but am so thankful that you publish here faithfully. I feel like I’m at an amazing stage in life of pursuing unexpected dreams…. Now it’s figuring out what they are, exactly! For now, I’m letting them simmer as toddlerhood and pregnancy take up all my time. But, I kind of like this simmering stage. Frank comes home and at any given time I’ll be ready to go to law school, to get a PhD in theology, to go back to teaching, or some other fun, crazy dream. Fortunately, he laughs and tells me he’s ready whenever I am. 🙂


    1. Annie, your words bless me. Sometimes are dreams do come to us unexpectedly, don’t they? Simmering is a great place for a dream when “real life” demands our energy. Not giving up, just letting them percolate some. It sounds like you and your honey laugh together often. 🙂


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