Five Minute Friday scribblings, FMF Finish, Uncategorized

Finish: Finishings and Beginnings

Sunrise and moonset

My Five Minute Friday prompt this week is—Finish. This largely unedited “rough draft” form of writing stretches this perfectionist, in the best of ways. I write for five minutes on a given topic. If you’re interested in learning more about 5-Minute Fridays, check out Lisa-Jo Baker‘s site. Or, click on the link at the bottom of this post. As you read my simpler Friday posts, I hope you’ll join in the conversation!


By Jeanne Takenaka

I have a friend who was recently on Extreme Weight Loss. In 365 days, she lost an incredible amount of weight, walked through major life changes, and mind set changes. She finished that year with the understanding that achieving her goal and then some was the beginning of a new way of living for her and her family.

Finishing one thing seems to be the first step to a new beginning. We’re never quite finished.

How often have I finished something, only to find out it opened up the beginning of the next something?

Finishing writing my first book was the beginning of revisions and editing and seeing just how much work that story needed.

The End copy

Finishing an active role in our church women’s ministry years ago turned into the beginning of life as a new mother.

Though my sons will always be my kids, one day my role as the most important woman in their lives will be finished. They will (hopefully) find special ladies to marry who will walk with them through life.

One day, my life on earth will finish as I breathe my last breath here and then begin breathing heaven’s sweet air.

Each finish we experience seems to be the first step of a new beginning.

One finish I’m thankful for is this: God’s never finished with me. I can make mistakes, I can fail big, I can blow it in relationships He’s gifted me with. I can make up in those relationships. But God is never finished with me. For this I am most thankful.

What about you? What’s been one “finish” in your life that was the first step to a new beginning? What’s one important season, activity, project you’ve finished?

Lisa-Jo Baker’s Five Minute Friday—Finish

18 thoughts on “Finish: Finishings and Beginnings”

  1. I think you worded this perfectly and it caused me to reflect that God is never finished with you or I or any of his children regardless of what we do, how we behave, and that’s such a nurturing thought at the end of the day to know that through it all, we have Him.
    I loved this, Jeanne. Thank you.


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Layne. When I’ve blown it in some way, I’m so very thankful God doesn’t wash His hands of me. He loves me and stands me back up so I can try, once again, to live a life that reflects Him. I’m so thankful we have him. 🙂


  2. Sending #1 Son off to train in his much desired profession. He will not be the same person when he comes home for Christmas. And then he’ll take a post somewhere far, far away. Letting him go…is not the same as letting go of him.

    I had 4 days to “finish” being his “he’s here everyday” mom, and give him his wings.

    It. Was. So. Hard.

    Hanging on to him was not an option.


    1. Jennifer, I can only imagine how difficult it was to let him go and know that the “everyday mom” chapter in your life with him was finished.

      I admire your willing way of giving him his wings. You’re a great mom.

      Thanks for stopping by my friend!


  3. Congratulations on finishing your book! What are the next steps for it? Or is there another story idea creeping its way onto paper?


    1. Thank you, rlj! I’ve actually set that one aside, for now. I’m working on the first draft of another one. I learn lots about crafting story with each book I write. This one will be the one I take through revisions, editing polishing and hopefully querying an agent with. 🙂 Do you write?


      1. Hey; this is actually Becca Juntunen. Yeah, I need to change my WordPress username. It’s very ambiguous. As for writing, I’m currently dividing my little writing time between my blog and a composition notebook where I simply jot down little descriptions, thoughts, and phrases– something I’ve come to call “written pictures”. It’s a simple and realistic way for me to keep up with writing, since it only takes a few minutes. Sooner or later, though, I’ll get back into longer stories. Good luck with both your old and new books!


      2. Hey Becca! I’m so glad you id’ed yourself. 🙂 I didn’t know you were blogging now. That’s great! There are times when we just squeeze in writing as we’re able. You’re in a busy season, jumping into a new chapter of life and all. What’s your blog called?


  4. Jeanne- Once again, you write words that are heart-felt, grace-filled, and encouraging. I, too, am so grateful that God’s work is not finished in us. This is beautiful and I’m always glad I’ve stopped by your place. Thank you.


    1. Karen, thanks for your kind words and for stopping by. Some days its remembering that God’s still working in me, still finishing up things within me, still loving me that keeps me going.:)


  5. A good question.

    Life has almost always been a work-in-progress for me, and one activity segued into the next, with a gradual (rather than abrupt) shift of focus. As a result, I never really think about ‘passages’ or ‘life stages’.

    The now is always here and pressing. Especially the ‘now’ now.

    It’s like picking up grenades that have been tossed at me, and throwing them back, as fast as I can. One will eventually go off before I can throw it.

    And then I suppose God will find another war for me to fight.


    1. Andrew, I like the way you describe life being a work-in-progress. I tend to think that’s true for all of us. There are always things needing “doing” in our present, in our now. When one task ends, there’s usually another waiting to take its place. 🙂 I guess we’re not really finished until God says we are and transports us to the other side of the veil. Here’s praying your arm gets a rest every now and then from all the tossing. I always appreciate your thoughts, Andrew!


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